RexxDate Function Package for OS/2 version 1.1 (c) Copyright Barry Pederson 1994 All rights Reserved. What is RexxDate? RexxDate is a REXX function package for manipulating calendar dates. Requirements RexxDate requires OS/2 2.0 or later. Installation & Removal The RexxDate function is contained in the REXXDATE.DLL file, which needs to be placed in a directory that appears in your LIBPATH. Before the date manipulation function can be used, it must be registered in REXX with code such as: /* check whether the RxDate Function is loaded, if not, load it */ IF RxFuncQuery('RxDate') THEN CALL RxFuncAdd 'RxDate', 'RexxDate', 'RxDate' The DLL can be unloaded by exiting all CMD.EXE shells The Function -------------------------------------------------- rc = RxDate(, ) -------------------------------------------------- The first parameter is either an integer containing the number of days since 1/1/1970. or a date string in one of these forms: mm-dd mm-dd-yy mm-dd-yyyy yyyy-mm-dd yy-mm-dd (only if yy > 12) ---------------------------------------------------- Characters other than '-' can be used as separators Dates must be in the range 1/1/1970 - 12/31/2037 ---------------------------------------------------- If the first parameter is omitted, then the current date will be assumed. If the second parameter is omitted, than an integer is returned containing the number of days between the specified day and 1/1/1970. If the date is out of the allowed range, -1 is returned. Arithmetic functions can be used to manipulate the returned values, for example: today = rxDate() tomorrow = today + 1 yesterday = today - 1 days_until_new_years_eve = rxDate('12/31') - today If the function is called with a second parameter, then the function returns the date formatted according to the second parameter. If the date is out of the allowed range, the string "Error converting date" is returned. The second parameter should contain format-specifiers as used by the C strftime() function. The specifiers relating to dates are: %a - abbreviated weekday name (Sun) %A - full weekday name (Sunday) %b - abbreviated month name (Dec) %B - full month name (December) %d - day of the month (01-31) %j - day of the year (001-366) %m - month (01-12) %U - week of the year, where Sunday is the first day (00-53) %w - weekday (0-6) where Sunday is 0 %W - weekday (0-6) where Monday is 0 %x - the date formatted according to the current locale %y - last two digits of the year (00-99) %Y - the year (1970-2037) %% - the percent character Here is an example: say 'Today is' rxDate(, '%A %B %d, %Y') sunday = rxDate() - rxDate(, '%w') say 'The week started on:' rxDate(sunday, '%x') say 'And ends on:' rxDate(sunday+6, '%x') should print something like: Today is Friday October 07, 1994 The week started on: 10/02/94 And ends on: 10/08/94 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ That's it, just one function. But it allows you to do quite a bit, especially the second form of function with its format-specifiers. For comments or suggestions, mail to: and I'd love to hear if anyone comes up with a good use for this DLL. ------------------------------------------------------------------------