from : Nov 7,1994 UChess 1.12GA by Roger Uzun This is the first release version of UChess a 32 bit pentium optimized PM native mode chess program. Based on gnuchess 4pl73 with some enhancements to gameplay/chess engine. Notable improvements include: Separate opening books for Black and White Completely rewritten time management enhancements to search/eval optimized for pentium architecture Both the source and executable for UChess are freely distributable. The source archive includes a .wpj and .mk file for Watcom 10.0a UChess startup options: UChess : gives "normal" table sizes based on mem config UChess MAX : gives extra large tables...for 16MB or more systems..may swap on some UChess MINI : gives smaller tables..this is default for systems with 8-16MB of RAM UChess MICRO : gives very small tables, this is default for systems with < 8MB of RAM This is a Pentium optimized chess pgm, 256 color board compiled using watcom 10.0a. It should play quite strong chess. Based on Gnuchess 4pl72/73 with enhancements to book management, time management search/eval ===Brief Descrption of options dome === Load game : Load a previsouly saved game Save Game : Save current game List Game : Ascii listing of current game moves New Game : Start a new game Exit : leave the pgm Time Controls : Set time controls, either xxx moves in xxx minutes, or a fixed depth search of N ply. Opening book means let computer use its opening book of preferred moves, Deep thinking means let the computer think about its next move, while you are making your move. Players : set computer to play black, white or neither. Hint : Give me a hint on what my next move should be Move Now : Force computer to move this instant Undo Move : Undo last 1/2 move, this also switches sides, so do it twice to get one full move back Calc Pgm rating : measures how long computer takes to solve first move for White on your machine, to 6 ply fixed. On a pentium 90 this takes 2-3 secs Test Pgm : for a given board, gives number of movelist/capturelist and eval nodes/sec On a P90 for a new board, this is 400,000 MoveList, 0 Capture List (no captures possible) and 15,000 nodes/sec eval Help : Product Info ===================================== email problems etc to -Roger Uzun SPECIAL NOTE: Thread synchronization can take a while on some machines, Just wait until you get the UChess ready beep and msg in the msg box and continue.