THE 'RAW' FORMAT The format is broken up into three main parts. The header, palette, and image portions. --- HEADER --- Bytes ----- 1 , 2 - Width of Image 3 , 4 - Height of Image 5 , 6 - Number of Colors - if 0 image does not contain a palette --- PALETTE --- 7 , 8 , 9 - Red, Green, Blue values of the first color. The values will range from 0 to 63. Each additional three bytes indicate the values of the next color. For an image that contains 16 colors the PALETTE size will be 48 bytes (3*16). --- IMAGE --- What ever follows after the palette is the actual image. The first byte following the palette will be the first pixel starting from the left top corner. The remaining pixels follow row by row. Each pixel takes exactly one byte no matter how many colors there are in the image. THE 'RES' FORMAT Bytes ----- 1,2,3 - Identification field. Should spell RES in ascii 4,5 - Number of resource items in the file The next 22 bytes contain the TYPE, ID, OFFSET, and SIZE of first resource item. If there is a second item the format continues with the next 22 bytes and so on. 6,7 - TYPE 8-19 - ID 20-23 - OFFSET 24-27 - SIZE The TYPE field indicates what kind of format it was converted to with the RastPort. The ID is a 12 letter/number put in the by the user to describe the resource item. The OFFSET indicates where in the resource file the item is located. The last field describes the size of the resource item.