COPYALL ver. 1.0 4dos directory duplicator Copyright John Militano Aug 94 COPYALL is distributed as Freeware. INTRODUCTION COPYALL was designed to act as the DOS program xcopy, but easier to use. COPYALL will copy the entire contents of a directory, including subdirectories to another directory. SYNTAX COPYALL [drive:][path]source [drive:][path]destination Examples: COPYALL c:\windows d:\wintemp COPYALL d:\temp\txt \man COPYALL \modem\scripts c:\telix INSTALLATION To install COPYALL, just copy COPYALL.BTM or COPYALL.BAT somewhere onto your hardrive in a path. HISTORY This is the first release of COPYALL, and therefore, it has no history! FILES COPYALL.TXT the file you are reading COPYALL.BAT the source code for COPYALL COPYALL.BTM compressed COPYALL.BAT file. I recomend that you use COPYALL.BTM. COPYALL.BTM was compressed with that comes with 4DOS. I trimed it down to the bare minimum (ie no rem lines), and its supposed to run 5-10 times faster than the bat file. COMMUNICATIONS I'd love to here any of your comments or suggestions about COPYALL. You can direct via email to UMMILIT2@CC.UMANITOBA.CA You can also mail me at John Militano 1224 Fleet ave. Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada R3M-1M1 FREEWARE COPYALL is distributed as freeware. That means that there is no cost to using it! If you must, I have no objection to you sending me money! You are also free to distubute COPYALL to whoever. I ask that if you do choose to distribute it, that you include the files: COPYALL.BAT COPYALL.BTM COPYALL.TXT in an archive called COPYALL1.ZIP (or whatever ARJ, ARC...) OTHER PROGRAMS Look for DELDIR (DELALL10.ZIP) (Guess what this does) For those of us who don't have DOS 6 and deltree.exe.