DELALL ver. 1.0 4dos directory remover Copyright John Militano Aug 94 DELALL is distributed as Freeware. INTRODUCTION DELALL was designed to act as the DOS 6 program deltree.exe You will notice that it has the same syntax as deltree. DELALL will delete the entire contents of a directory, including subdirectories. SYNTAX DELALL [drive:][path]directory Examples: DELALL c:\windows (aw c'mon, windows ain't that bad!) DELALL d:\temp\txt DELALL \modem\scripts DELALL upload INSTALLATION To install DELALL, just copy DELALL.BTM or DELALL.BAT somewhere onto your hardrive in a path. HISTORY This is the first release of DELALL, and unless there is a bug, the last release of the program! FILES DELALL.TXT the file you are reading DELALL.BAT the source code for DELALL DELALL.BTM compressed DELALL.BAT file. I recomend that you use DELALL.BTM. DELALL.BTM was compressed with that comes with 4DOS. I trimed it down to the bare minimum (ie no rem lines), and its supposed to run 5-10 times faster than the bat file. I don't notice a difference though! COMMUNICATIONS I'd love to here any of your comments or suggestions about DELALL. You can direct via email to UMMILIT2@CC.UMANITOBA.CA You can also mail me at John Militano 1224 Fleet ave. Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada R3M-1M1 FREEWARE DELALL is distributed as freeware. That means that there is no cost to using it! If you must, I have no objection to you sending me money! You are also free to distubute DELALL to whoever. I ask that if you do choose to distribute it, that you include the files: DELALL.BAT DELALL.BTM DELALL.TXT in an archive called DELALL10.ZIP (or whatever ARJ, ARC...) OTHER PROGRAMS Look for COPYALL (COPYALL1.ZIP) (Guess what this does) Similar to xcopy, but easier to use.