CDPLAY: How to Play Certain Tracks from a Musical CD Player. The sample CDPLAYER.MAK project contains the files ABOUTDC.FRM, CDABOUT.FRM, CPLAYE2.FRM, CDPLAYER.FRM, GLOBAL.BAS, MCI.VBX and THREED.VBX. The idea of the sample is to demonstrate how to play certain tracks on a musical CD. This sample does some checking to see if all the needed hardware and drivers need are present and loaded. You first see all of the option buttons that represent the tracks on the CD. You can select one of the option buttons or track and then press the play button. You can stop the playing of a track by pressing the stop button. This is a sample can be played in the background, but the idea of this sample is to help identify tracks and be able to control the sequence of playing the tracks in the order you desire.