December 7, 1993 This is a little program I whipped up in an afternoon. I hope you find it useful. It requires vbrun300.dll to run. It is not included in this archieve. The program demonstrates several Windows API calls. Complete source code is included. Feel free to modify it to suit your needs. The program is being distributed as Freeware. You can copy or modify the program so long as you do not charge anyone for it. And please let me know if you have any ideas or changes you want to make. This is a really simple program. I got the Stay on Top code from Dave Stewart who got it from Inside Visual Basic. I got the API for restarting, exiting and rebooting form Inside Visual Basic. I also relied on the Visual Basics program reference guide. If any of you know how to make a double or triple boarder on a form with menus, please let me know (so long as it doesn't require a 3rd party VBX). If any one knows how to add a picture to a command button, again please let me know. Enjoy it. I hope the program helps you. Please be kind this is my first VB program. I can be reached by e-mail at or by U.S. Mail A.B. Collver III 6701 San Bonita, Apt #3BE St. Louis, MO 63105 Thanks, A.B. Collver III