TAYLORED SOFTWARE'S ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ VISUAL BASIC WIZARD ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ UNREGISTERD VERSION 1.10.05 WELCOME TO VISUAL BASIC WIZARD FOR WINDOWS 3.1 ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Aug 1994 NOTICE: The programs contained in Visual Basic Wizard are being distributed as SHAREWARE. They are not FREE-WARE and should not be construed as such. If you find the programs useful, You are required to register them within 60 days. If you don't like the program, please write me and tell me specifically what is wrong with it. If you really like the programs, and plan to use them on a regular basis, SEND a Cashiers Check or Money Order for 69.95 + $8.00 Shipping and Handling for the FULL VERSION or $59.95 + $8.00 Shipping and Handling for the TOOLBAR VERSION to: Jonathan B. Taylor 8504 Van Pelt Drive. Dallas, Texas 75228 Include your return address and you will upon receipt of the proper FUNDS by us receive a registered copy of the latest Version of the software with all of the newest features it contains as outlined in the REGISTER HELP that is accessed from the main program menu. You will also be sent all other required data and instructions. Please remember that it took me a very long time to assemble and code all this information and to put it in the format that you have accessed within said program and if it is of any benifit to you, you should pay for it by registering your use of it. I feel that it will be of great benifit especially if you do a lot of complex and involved Visual Basic programming. Thanks for your consideration Jonathan B.Taylor ®EOF REGISTER.TXT ¯