Overview -------- VGASize is a tiny app that allows you to check the size and placement of your VB forms against the four most popular screen resolutions in use today. VGASize is really quite simple... its main form is dynamically resized to correspond to one of the following resolutions: EGA VGA 800x600 1024x768 By running VGASize, you can use its main form as a template to ensure your app will fit in the resolution you choose. Installation ------------ Copy VGASIZE.EXE to your hard drive. No nifty setup routine here. Don't complain... it's free. Running VGASize --------------- Run VGASIZE.EXE. Select the resolution you will be testing at by selecting it from the four command buttons at the bottom of the main window. To exit VGASize, click on the Exit button. Legal stuff ----------- VGASize is copyright (c) 1994 Visual Developers Group, Inc. VGASize is freeware. It is not public domain software. You can use it to your little heart's content. You can give it to your friends, relatives, associates, pets, and enemies as long as you distribute this file with VGASIZE.EXE. You cannot distribute it commercially. No fee may charged for use of this software, nor may you distribute this software on a disk that contains other software you are charging a fee for. VGASize comes with NO warranty. We don't promise it will do anything. It has been tested on two 486/33DX clones. It ran on both. VGASize was not designed to do anything other than is stated above.