/---------------------------------\ | Statistic Module Order Form | \---------------------------------/ Statistic Modules for FOOTBALL FOR WINDOWS are $10.00 each. Return this form along with payment in US funds to: TSoft #9 Brittany Lane Odessa, Texas 79761 Take advantage of our special offer! Buy two modules and recieve $2.00 off, three and recieve $4.00 off, four and recieve $6.00 off, or all five, and recieve $10.00 off. Complete this form and return it to the address above. ( ) - 1990 Pro Data Module $_____________ ( ) - 1991 Pro Data Module $_____________ ( ) - 1992 Pro Data Module $_____________ ( ) - 1993 College Data Module (Available 9/1/94) $_____________ ( ) - Greatest Teams of the Modern Era $_____________ Discount (see above) $_____________ Shipping and Handling ($4.00 US, $7.50 other) $_____________ Two Day Air, add $5.00 $_____________ TOTAL $_____________ Shipping Information Please Type or Print Name: ______________________________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________________ : ______________________________________________________ Phone Day: ______________________ Evening: ______________________ Please allow 3-4 weeks for delivery.