Thank you for getting Moraff's WorldNet, Version 1.0! This is the beginning of a highly ambitious 16 million color, multi-user, multimedia Windows game system! Each of the games in this package an be played by 1 or 2 people on one computer, or directly over a modem. And because it's Windows, you can play several games at once! How to install Moraff's WorldNet: Each file contains parts of Moraff's WorldNet games: INSTALL.EXE: Sets up directory and installs 'EXT_MWN_.EXE' EXT_MWN_.EXE: Self extracting file executed by INSTALL.EXE _VORB.EXE: Contains Vorb, and is installed by clicking the ADD GAME button in Moraff's WorldNet. _MORTRIS.EXE: Contains MoreTris, and is installed by clicking the ADD GAME button in Moraff's WorldNet. _JIGGLER.EXE: Contains Jiggler bonus puzzles, a collection of 15 or 20 ultra high-res 16 million color puzzles. Installed by clicking the Add Game button in Moraff's WorldNet. To install WorldNet, follow these steps (it looks like a lot, but they are just very specific: 1) Make sure that INSTALL.EXE and EXT_MWN_.EXE are in the same directory. 2) Go to that directory and type 'INSTALL'. 3) Type the name of the drive and directory into which you want to install WorldNet. For example, to put it on the C drive under the games directory, type 'C:\GAMES\MWNET'. 4) When this process is complete, windows should load automatically. If it doesn't, run Windows. 5) Click on the title of the program group to which you want to add the WorldNet icon (a program group is a box with a bunch of icons in it). 6) Hit 'Alt-F' or click on the word File. 7) Hit 'N' or click on the word 'New...' 8) Click the 'OK' button. 9) Now you should have the Program Item Properties box open. Click on the 'Browse...' button. 10) Use the Browse box to locate the file MWNET.EXE. Click on the 'Drives:' box to switch drive letters, and click on the 'Directories' box to switch directories. 11) Once you see MWNET.EXE in the 'File Name' box, click on 'mwnet.exe' so that it becomes highlighted. 12) Click 'OK'. 13) Now Moraff's WorldNet's icon (Earth with rings around it) should appear in the program group. Double Click it to run Moraff's WorldNet. 14) Now click on the 'Add Game' button to add the other games. 15) Click 'OK' on the 'How to Add a Game' box after reading it. 16) Use the 'Open' box (which is similar to the Browse box) to locate the file '_vorb.exe'. 17) Repeat steps 14-17 for the files '_mortris.exe' and '_jiggler.exe' if you have them. That's it! Now you can play the games by simply clicking (once) on the icon of a game. Games that are not surrounded by a green outline are future games, and you can click on them to get a description of them.