The Music Tutor - version 1.0 by Candlelight Software. About the Music Tutor.... The Music Tutor is a windows program designed to present important fundamentals of music theory. Learning the lines and spaces of the grand staff, the sharp key signatures, the flat key signatures and an overview of minor scales are presented in four lessons in the Pitch and Key Signatures Edition. An overview of the rhythmic value of notes and the time signatures is presented in two lessons in the Notes and Time Edition of the Music Tutor. Each lesson has instructions and periodic questions about the ideas being discussed. Each lesson is accompanied by a practice session. These 'practice sessions' may be used at any time like computer flash cards. If you are a beginning music student, you may find the practice sessions useful in reviewing for your lessons. They should also be helpful in memorizing basics needed by all musicians such as recognizing key signatures. Who is the Music Tutor for.... The Music Tutor is suited for adults or children with the assistance of an adult who are in the early phases of musical training. The Music Tutor may be used by anyone wishing to review their musical skills, however, allowing for differences in pace, anyone in the first year of lessons would probably benefit from the material presented. The unregistered version of the Music Tutor offers the introduction and the first lesson and practice session of the Pitches and Key Signatures edition without charge. You may freely distribute the unregistered version. If you wish to register the Music Tutor to receive both the Pitches and Key Signatures and Notes and Time editions, instructions and a registration form are provided under the Help Menu. Technical Notes... The Music Tutor should be run in VGA mode. Modes above 640 by 480 make image controls on the screen used for drag and drop operations inaccurate. You must have the Visual Basic runtime DLL - VBRUN300.DLL on your machine to run the Music Tutor. It has not been included in the zip file because it is readily available on many bulletin boards and by excluding it, your download time is reduced. Place this DLL in your windows/system directory. You must also include threed.vbx in your windows/system directory. It is included in the zip file. You may simply run the mutor.exe or create a program item in program manager for the Music Tutor. Be sure to unzip the Music Tutor files into one directory (i.e. c:\mtutor). The files needed to run the unregistered version of the application are: mtutor.exe intro.dat les1.dat prac1.dat mtutor1.hlp threed.vbx Thanks for your interest in the Music Tutor!