These original copyritten lyrics may be used in original music compositions provided all copyright notices are reproduced on copies of compositions that include all or any part of these lyrics. The author retains any and all rights to these lyrics and shall be informed in writing in the event they are published, printed, reproduced or released in any public form. Violation of copyright law is a Federal Crime. All Rights Reserved ©1994, Christopher G. Moon or ©1994, Magnum Opus Music BMI C. Moon, 8301 Wyoming Ave., Bloomington, MN 55438 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ( Livin' in the ) BURBS. Gold trees line the road to heaven all stores stay open after 7 its near you don't have to go far no need to even lock up your car. Big lawns seem to stretch forever no rain it's always perfect weather people they want to get to know you they've got so much they want to show you. Could it be too good for words... living in the burbs. Nice cops help you when you need it a stray dog don't worry they will feed it sprinklers run on auto-timers big cars all look like ocean liners. New clothes everybody wears them the women everyones a real 10 no money just ask and you'll receive it doubtful? just go there you'll beleive it. Could it be too good for words... living in the burbs.