[slide1] AUTOSIZE=OFF AUTODITHER=OFF GIFBACK=ON GIFMIG=ON ;reset everything FILENAME=E:\89A\GRNEY2.GIF DURATION=5 ;show full GIF 89a ;wait 5 secs [slide2] FILENAME=E:\MIG\BLUEBK.GIF DURATION=7 ;classic 87a MIG ;use previous parameters [slide3] BACKCOLOR=DKBLUE AUTOSIZE=OFF AUTODITHER=OFF FILENAME=c:\JPG\BLUEMOON.JPG ;dark blue background ;show "as is" - no resizing ;no dither, let driver do what it wants ;load next JPG in background ;JPG decoding, scaling and dithering will act as delay [slide4] BACKCOLOR=DKGREEN AUTOSIZE=ON AUTODITHER=ON FULLSCREEN=100 FILENAME=c:\JPG\UNDRW3.jpg DURATION=3 ;dark green background ;resize to 100% of screen ;dither if req on 256 or 16 color video [slide5] BACKCOLOR=BLACK FILENAME=c:\FLI\emerald.fli ;play FLI against black background ;no wait jump to next [slide6] FILENAME=c:\ZOE.AVI ;play AVI against same black background [slide7] GIFMIG=OFF GIFBACK=OFF BACKCOLOR=WHITE AUTOSIZE=ON AUTODITHER=OFF FULLSCREEN=75 FILENAME=e:\GIF\barton.gif FILENAME=d:\windows\holodeck.wav ;turn off all special GIF processing ;use white background ;resize to 75% of screen ;no dither, let driver do what it wants ;play WAV file [slide8] BACKCOLOR=BLACK FILENAME=c:\JPG\problem\WOH004.jpg FILENAME=d:\windows\canyon.mid ;use previous resize parm (75% of screen) ;dither if req ;play MID file ;loop to start