WORKAROUND "VIDVUE.DLL IN USE" ERROR 1. Close the VIDVUE Preloader (if previously installed). 2. Reinstall VIDVUE. ============================================================================ WORKAROUND FOR NORTON, PCTOOLS AND OTHER NON-STANDARD WINDOWS SHELLS. 1. Exit Windows and backup your SYSTEM.INI file; type the following in DOS CD\windows copy system.ini system.bak 2. Using a text editor, edit SYSTEM.INI; change the "shell=" entry under [boot] section to shell=progman.exe 3. Restart Windows; Norton Desktop (or PCTools) shell is temporarily removed. From Program Manager (ie., "File-Run"), run Vidvue Setup from \temp dir. 4. After VIDVUE setup, exit windows and type the following in DOS CD\windows copy system.bak system.ini 5. Restart Windows, Norton (or PC Tools) shell has returned.