Okay, %fname%, the first thing we'll try today is a little discipline. If you think you can handle it. After all, you are nothing but a little cocksucker. Aren't you? Yeah, that's right, go ahead and get angry. I think you need to be punished. I want you to go into your bathroom and find me the biggest hairbrush you can. Hurry up, don't make me wait. I'm getting very angry with you. I have better things to do then just sit around and wait for you to get your ass in gear. I'm going to time you, and if I have to wait longer than one minute, you're going to get a severe beating. For each extra second that you make me wait, you'll receive one extra smack. DO YOU UNDERSTAND WHAT I AM SAYING,%fname%? ~QYN That's a good slave. Such a good boy, %fname%. Following your mistress's commands. Now come here, and let me brush your pretty girlish hair. (Pause) Now look what you've done. You've tangled it all up. You did this on purpose didn't you? Just for that you'll receive ten smacks with my hairbrush and two with my bare hand. Maybe next time you'll try and behave a little bit better. Maybe I can finally knock some sense into that thick skull of yours. Now then. Let's get on with things. Go into your dressing room, %fname%, and put on the petticoat dress I've laid out for you on the bed. Make sure that you wear the lacy panties too. They make you look just like a little girl. What? You're refusing to wear the panties because they make your cock and balls itch? Do you want to continue, %fname%? ~QYN You're in BIG trouble now, %fname%! I'm going to make you wear those panties for the next 24 hours straight, without changing them or bathing, and you will also feel the sting of my wooden paddle across your lily-white butt cheeks. I'm also going to give you a painful reminder of my authority by having you fasten a rubber band around your balls until they turn blue with pain. FEEL THE SLAP OF MY HAND ACROSS YOUR BUTT CHEEKS! I'll teach you the consequences of disobedience, you little worm. Unless you want a worse punishment next time, you'll keep that rubberband fastened tightly, as a reminder of who the boss is around here. I'll never let you come until you can prove yourself to me. You may now remove the rubber band from your genitals and resume whatever it was you were doing. Okay, my little, %fname%? That's the end of this installment.