On Line Reviews Copyright 1993-95, PAROLE Software all rights reserved FIDO: 1:151/185 Dmaidon@cris.com ----------------------------- OLR is a BBS door program that allows you, the user, to compose your reviews offline and upload them directly to the door. This allows you to write a thorough review and save valuable online BBS time. The SysOp has chosen specific categories that he/she wishes OLR to support. You must keep your review in one of those categories. The door will display your review in white but, you may use special OLR color codes to add a bit of change and hi-lite to you text file. Color code information is listed at the bottom of this file. You should use a header on your review that contains all the credits and such for your review. Do not use any control codes (ASCii 1 - 20) in your file. OLR Color codes: ~ = Bright Blue ` = Bright Green @ = Bright Cyan ^ = Bright Red | = Bright Magenta { = Bright Yellow } = Bright White There are some special symbols available to make text blink in the middle of a line in any color you wish. For example: "This will %{Blink Yellow{" Note the {'s before and after Blink Yellow. They tell the routine to display the text in between in yellow and blinks because of the % symbol. Without the % the text is displayed in yellow but does not blink. The rest of the line is displayed in white on black. Put a * in front of the first symbol to display in low intensity colors. Ex: *}text} displays 'text' in low intensity white. And %*}test} displays 'text' in low intensity white and blinks. SAMPLES: ^Test^ = Displays in bright RED %^Test^ = Displays in blinking bright RED *^Test^ = Displays in Dark Red *%^Test^= Displays in blinking Dark RED ~ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿~ ~³~ ~³~ ~³~ %}Test!} ~³~ = This will put a Bright Blinking white ~³~ ~³~ "Test!" in a bright blue box. ~ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ~