QuestHaven doesn't have many rules for systems carrying QuestNet. We believe in allowing Sysops the freedom to run their system as they wish without having to enforce strict rules or guidelines. However, we do expect that anyone using QuestNet, will post intelligently and on the proper sub-boards. We allow profanity however we expect that it will be kept to a minimum. We will not allow it to get out of hand. In Adult Areas, just about anything can go, but we expect that users of the adult sections will be mature and capable of dealing with the topics being discussed. We expect that any user who objects to the content of any sub-board will be restricted from accessing that sub-board. About the only rule we strongly enforce, is that only the Sysops and Co-Sysops will have access to the first sub-board, QuestNet I/O. General population users should not access this area. QuestNet is intended for users to enjoy themselves and express themselves in an intelligent manner. More than anything, we expect users to have a good time and enjoy QuestNet.