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The TriBBS Tool Box is a collection of utilities in one executable for v10. Features: Delete the SysOp or anyone else you choose from the CALLERS.LOG, calls today, and total calls to the system after an online session; Change the number of calls to your system today; Globally change all user's default protocol to NONE; Globally change the number of days to keep messages before purging. FOR v10.x ONLY!! ΙΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ» ΊΫ²±° TriFixTodaysCalls °±²ΫΊ Number 24 ΘΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΌ Name of Archive: TRIFTC10.ZIP Current Version: 1.0 Date of Initial Release: 07-05-95 Date of Current Release: 07-05-95 Status: Freeware! Occasionally the number of Today's Calls on the WFC screen will drop into negative numbers at the start of a new day. This simple utility allows you to change the number of calls your BBS has received today. FOR v5.x ONLY!! ΙΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ» ΊΫ²±° TriOfflineMessageReader °±²ΫΊ Number 23 ΘΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΌ Name of Archive: TRIOMR11.ZIP Current Version: 1.1 Date of Initial Release: 06-22-95 Date of Current Release: 07-11-95 Status: Shareware - $10.00 TriOMR is a utility for TriBBS v5.x that allows you to read messages from the DOS prompt. There are too many enhancements to list them all, but here are some new features: F1 Help Key on each screen; Choose a conference and you are taken to the last message read; Private/Public messages are color- coded; Go directly to a specified conference or message; Mark messages to read later; Automatically follow subject threads; Save messages to disk. Be sure to read the WHATS.NEW file for all new additions. FOR v5.x ONLY!! ΙΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ» ΊΫ²±° TriSupportBoardSummary °±²ΫΊ Number 22 ΘΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΌ Name of Archive: TRISBS10.ZIP Current Version: 1.0 Date of Initial Release: 06-02-95 Date of Current Release: 06-02-95 Status: Freeware! TriSBS reads the TBBBSES.TXT file and generates a bulletin displaying TriBBS Support Boards, registration numbers, phone numbers, and maximum baud rates. You have the option of displaying ALL Support Boards, or you may specify only certain area codes to display. ΙΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ» ΊΫ²±° TriCallersByLevel °±²ΫΊ Number 21 ΘΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΌ Name of Archive: TRICBL10.ZIP Current Version: 1.0 Date of Initial Release: 05-24-95 Date of Current Release: 05-24-95 Status: Freeware! A statistical program that groups your users based on their security level. TriCBL generates a bulletin displaying different security levels, a brief description of each security level, the number of users assigned each security level, and the percentage of total users assigned to each security level. FOR v5.x ONLY!! ΙΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ» ΊΫ²±° TriMessageBaseStatistics °±²ΫΊ Number 20 ΘΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΌ Name of Archive: TRIMBS10.ZIP Current Version: 1.0 Date of Initial Release: 05-18-95 Date of Current Release: 05-18-95 Status: Freeware! Let your users know how active your message areas are. TriMBS generates a bulletin that ranks your message areas based on the number of messages in each conference. FOR v5.x ONLY!! ΙΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ» ΊΫ²±° TriUnLockUsers °±²ΫΊ Number 19 ΘΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΌ Name of Archive: TRIULU10.ZIP Current Version: 1.0 Date of Initial Release: 05-17-95 Date of Current Release: 05-17-95 Status: Freeware! A great little utility that will automatically unlock a user's account after a preconfigured number of days. FOR v5.x ONLY!! ΙΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ» ΊΫ²±° TriFilesDatabaseStatistics °±²ΫΊ Number 18 ΘΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΌ Name of Archive: TRIFDS10.ZIP Current Version: 1.0 Date of Initial Release: 12-29-94 Date of Current Release: 12-29-94 Status: Freeware! TriFDS generates a bulletin that displays area number, area description, file count, and byte count for each file directory on your BBS and then a total file count and total byte count. FOR v5.x ONLY!! ΙΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ» ΊΫ²±° TriCallersByTown °±²ΫΊ Number 17 ΘΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΌ Name of Archive: TRICBT13.ZIP Current Version: 1.3 Date of Initial Release: 10-01-94 Date of Current Release: 07-13-95 Status: Freeware! TriCBT analyzes your USERS.DAT file and ranks towns based on the number of your users that call from each town. The bulletin displays rank, name of each town, the number of users that call from each town, and the number of total calls from each town. NEW IN v1.3!!! Percentages were removed and replaced with total messages posted, uploads, and downloads from each town. FOR v5.x ONLY!! ΙΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ» ΊΫ²±° TriQwkInsertionReport °±²ΫΊ Number 16 ΘΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΌ Name of Archive: TRIQIR10.ZIP Current Version: 1.0 Date of Initial Release: 09-27-94 Date of Current Release: 09-27-94 Status: Shareware - $7.00 TriQIR takes any insertion report created by TriNet and generates a new, colorful, more informative report. Features: Conferences grouped by network; Displays area number, name, and total messages imported for each conference in a two-column, alphabetized format; Totals at the end of the report for each network including the total number of conferences in each network, the number of conferences in each network receiving mail, and the number of messages imported into each network as well as the total number of messages imported for the session. ΙΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ» ΊΫ²±° TriConferenceQueueStats °±²ΫΊ Number 15 ΘΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΌ Name of Archive: TRICQS10.ZIP Current Version: 1.0 Date of Initial Release: 08-06-94 Date of Current Release: 08-06-94 Status: Freeware! A statistical program which groups your users based on the number of message areas they have queued. TriCQS generates .ANS and .BBS screens to display "Total Queue" categories, the number of users that fall into each category, and the percentage of users, illustrated with a bar graph, that fall into each category. FOR v5.x ONLY!! ΙΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ» ΊΫ²±° TriLastTimeCalled °±²ΫΊ Number 14 ΘΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΌ Name of Archive: TRILTC10.ZIP Current Version: 1.0 Date of Initial Release: 07-17-94 Date of Current Release: 07-17-94 Status: Freeware! A statistical program which groups your users based on the number of days that have elapsed since their last call. TriLTC generates .ANS and .BBS screens to display "Days Ago" categories, the number of users that fall into each category, and the percentage of users, illustrated with a bar graph, that fall into each category. FOR v5.x ONLY!! ΙΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ» ΊΫ²±° TriCallersByCalls °±²ΫΊ Number 13 ΘΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΌ Name of Archive: TRICBC10.ZIP Current Version: 1.0 Date of Initial Release: 07-15-94 Date of Current Release: 07-15-94 Status: Freeware! A statistical program which groups your users based on the number of calls they have made to your BBS. TriCBC generates .ANS and .BBS screens to display "Total Calls" categories, the number of users that fall into each category, and the percentage of users, illustrated by a bar graph, that fall into each category. FOR v5.x ONLY!! ΙΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ» ΊΫ²±° TriDeleteUserMessage °±²ΫΊ Number 12 ΘΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΌ Name of Archive: TRIDUM10.ZIP Current Version: 1.0 Date of Initial Release: 03-13-94 Date of Current Release: 03-13-94 Status: Freeware! TriDUM is a utility for TriBBS v5.x and above. Take care of problem posters once and for all. If the last caller to your system is found in the twit file, TriDUM will automatically delete any messages the user sent during his online session. TriDUM is the first utility in the TriBBS Security Series. FOR v5.x ONLY!! ΙΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ» ΊΫ²±° TriSetConferenceQueues °±²ΫΊ Number 11 ΘΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΌ Name of Archive: TRISCQ20.ZIP Current Version: 2.0 Date of Initial Release: 02-25-94 Date of Current Release: 06-25-94 Status: Shareware - $10.00 TriSCQ allows the TriBBS SysOp to turn conference queues on/off, set last message read pointers, repair corrupted USERS.SUP accounts, and turn access to private conferences on/off while offline. The user interface is very similar to the user interface for TriMail. NEW IN v2.0!!! Displays the last date that each user called; When registered, the TriBBS Sysop can turn entire networks on/off with the press of a button. FOR v5.x ONLY!! ΙΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ» ΊΫ²±° TriGenerateNetworkScreen °±²ΫΊ Number 10 ΘΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΌ Name of Archive: TRIGNS30.ZIP Current Version: 3.0 Date of Initial Release: 01-22-94 Date of Current Release: 06-10-94 Status: Freeware! TriGNS is a utility for TriBBS v5.x and above. TriGNS combines all message conferences that are in the same network and generates MSGALL.ANS/MSGALL.BBS to display the networks and their appropriate conferences in a 2-column format. Features: Give an extended description for each network (for example: substitute "World Message Exchange" for "WME"); Alias support. NEW IN v3.0!!! Customize the colors of each network screen; Display conferences alphabetically by conference name or numerically by conference number. FOR v5.x ONLY!! ΙΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ» ΊΫ²±° TriRankYourUsers °±²ΫΊ Number 9 ΘΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΌ Name of Archive: TRIRYU30.ZIP Current Version: 3.0 Date of Initial Release: 11-26-93 Date of Current Release: 01-02-94 Status: Freeware! Do you want an active BBS? Make BBSing more fun for your users! TriRYU will let your users compete in a door-style rank system, letting them obtain higher access by posting and uploading! Customize the colors in the display screen, configure the number of lines to display per screen, ignore anyone at a specific security level or higher, award a special security level with additional privileges to the person ranked number one! NEW FOR v3.0!!! Display aliases, display Top ## users instead of the entire user log (good for logon screens). FOR v5.x ONLY!! ΙΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ» ΊΫ²±° TriUserTrialSubscription °±²ΫΊ Number 8 ΘΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΌ Name of Archive: TRIUTS10.ZIP Current Version: 1.0 Date of Initial Release: 10-25-93 Date of Current Release: 10-25-93 Status: Freeware! TriUTS is a utility for TriBBS 4.x and above which, when executed from the NEWUSER.BAT file, will grant new users a trial subscription to your board. TriUTS will place into the new user's user record a subscription expiration date, which you have preconfigured, and will also optionally send to the new user at logon a user-specific logon screen to tell him/her anything about the trial subscription that you desire. FOR v5.x ONLY!! ΙΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ» ΊΫ²±° TriCallersByState °±²ΫΊ Number 7 ΘΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΌ Name of Archive: TRICBS15.ZIP Current Version: 1.5 Date of Initial Release: 10-10-93 Date of Current Release: 01-31-95 Status: Freeware! TriCBS will generate a bulletin showing the number of users that call your BBS from each of the 50 states and 10 Canadian provinces, and a separate total for callers from other countries. NEW IN v1.5!!! TriCBS now recognizes new 1995 zip codes for Alabama, Arizona, and Washington; The display has been updated to give a fresh, new, 3-D look. FOR v5.x ONLY!! ΙΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ» ΊΫ²±° TriWhoCalledToday °±²ΫΊ Number 6 ΘΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΌ Name of Archive: TRIWCT30.ZIP Current Version: 3.0 Date of Initial Release: 09-10-93 Date of Current Release: 12-27-93 Status: Shareware $5.00 TriWCT is a utility for TriBBS 4.x which generates display screens showing callers for the day, where each caller is from, logon time, number of calls to the system, and totals for each call including number of messages posted, number of uploads, and number of downloads. A caller is flagged if he/she is a new user or has dropped carrier. Can show all callers for an entire day or can be configured to show any number of callers you choose. NEW WITH v3.0!!! Display aliases, added baud rate and caller number. FOR v5.x ONLY!! ΙΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ» ΊΫ²±° TriCallersByAge °±²ΫΊ Number 5 ΘΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΌ Name of Archive: TRICBA14.ZIP Current Version: 1.4 Date of Initial Release: 08-20-93 Date of Current Release: 05-07-95 Status: Freeware! A statistical program that groups your users based on their age. TriCBA generates a bulletin displaying different age groupings, the number of users populating each group, and the percentage of total users populating each group. The percentages are graphically illustrated, and the average user age is calculated and displayed. NEW IN v1.4!!! The display has been updated to give a fresh, new, 3D look; The most populated age group is now highlighted; Specify a security level in the .CFG file which will be excluded in the display...specifically intended for those who have special mail accounts set up in USERS.DAT. FOR v5.x ONLY!! ΙΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ» ΊΫ²±° TriDeleteLocalSysop °±²ΫΊ Number 4 ΘΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΌ Name of Archive: TRIDLS20.ZIP Current Version: 2.0 Date of Initial Release: 08-14-93 Date of Current Release: 11-18-93 Status: Freeware! TriDLS is a utility for TriBBS 4.x and above. TriDLS checks the CALLERS.LOG when a user logs off. If the last caller is the Sysop, TriDLS will remove the Sysop's entry from the CALLERS.LOG and will also delete the Sysop's entry in total calls to the system and total calls for the day. NEW!! TriDLS can now be configured to remove up to 3 additional names. FOR v5.x ONLY!! ΙΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ» ΊΫ²±° TriCheckPageStatus °±²ΫΊ Number 3 ΘΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΌ Name of Archive: TRICPS10.ZIP Current Version: 1.0 Date of Initial Release: 07-31-93 Date of Current Release: 07-31-93 Status: Freeware! TriCPS is a utility for TriBBS 4.x and above which checks the status of the page bell every time a user logs on and generates a mono and ansi logon screen telling the user if the Sysop is or is not available for a chat. FOR v5.x ONLY!! ΙΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ» ΊΫ²±° TriCheckInactiveUsers °±²ΫΊ Number 2 ΘΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΌ Name of Archive: TRICIU30.ZIP Current Version: 3.0 Date of Initial Release: 07-15-93 Date of Current Release: 01-26-94 Status: Shareware $5.00 TriCIU is a utility for TriBBS 5.x which checks your USERS.DAT file for users who have not logged onto your board in a specified number of days. Features: TriCIU generates a user-specific logon screen for the Sysop listing the names of inactive users; Automatically flag inactive users for deletion; Ignore anyone at a specific security level or higher. NEW IN v3.0!!! Configure TriCIU to automatically pack the user base. FOR v5.x ONLY!! ΙΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ» ΊΫ²±° TriNewUserGreeter °±²ΫΊ Number 1 ΘΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΌ Name of Archive: TRINUG11.ZIP Current Version: 1.1 Date of Initial Release: 07-13-93 Date of Current Release: 07-28-93 Status: Shareware $5.00 TriNUG is a utility for TriBBS 4.x and above which checks the callers log when a user logs off and, if the last caller is a new user, will generate a mono and ansi user-specific logon screen personally welcoming the user to your BBS. This version fixes a minor bug that gave an "Input Past End" error message. ΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔ If you have any questions or comments concerning existing utilities, or if you have suggestions for new utilities or doors, I can be contacted via the TriBBS Support echo. I can also be contacted through Fidonet netmail (1:379/14) or through CompuServe (71140,3644). If you so choose, you could call my TriBBS (#558) board, Node Carolina, at 704-663-7602 in Mooresville, NC. I'd love to hear from you!