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Wharton º º F A X : 7 1 3 - 5 3 0 - 5 6 4 4 º º Entire Publication (c) Copyright 1995 by David E. Wachenschwanz, LTD º ÓÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄĽ Filenames: BBSMAG08.ZIP (Zipped with PKZIP version 2.04g) BBSMAG08.TXT (Standard ASCII characters, extended IBM Graphics BBSMAG08.ANS (ANSI Colorized Version of Standard ASCII Edition) BBSMAGEX.ZIP (Text Reader Utility with BBSMAG built in, Zipped) DISCLAIMER: This entire publication, known as CONNECT! Magazine (c) and The Houston Area 713/281 BBS List (c) are U.S. Copyrighted properties of Connect! Communications Company, and David E. Wachenschwanz, LTD. (c) Copyright 1995 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED WARNING: The unauthorized use, reproduction or editing of this publication is PROHIBITED. All information was confirmed factual at press- time; however we CANNOT be responsible for errors encountered due to acts of God, system malfunction or negligence on the part of any System Operator of any BBS listed in the Houston Area 713/281 BBS List (c). LOOK FOR: AUTHENTIC FILES VERIFIED IUL758 DAVID E. WACHENSCHWANZ, THE ATOMIC CAFE BBS when unzipping BBSMAGxx.ZIP. We are NOT responsible for any information obtained from a counterfeited copy of this publication. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄij Connect! Magazine: EDITORIAL ³ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄij First, Congratulations to Los Alamos National Laboratory on its 50th Anniversary of the birth of the bomb. This was a great technological achievement, and 50 years later we still haven't come up with a more thorough killing machine than nuclear weapons. Some are reflecting on this half-century milestone by second-guessing the Truman administration for using the bomb on Japan, saying we shouldn't have used those terrible weapons. Others seem to be a bit more sensible and realize that the bomb did in-fact save countless Allied lives by avoiding a nasty land invasion of Japan. And after spending several billion dollars on the new weapons, you know damn well they had to be used. The object of war is death and destruction of the enemy. The ways and means of going about that objective are all fair, all can and will be used. There are no "umpires" in the field to slap the hands of soldiers hurling nerve gas or biological weapons at the enemy. If your side has a better weapon, you use it. Don't forget Bataan and Pearl Harbor. Paybacks are hell. The old saying goes "don't start and shit and there won't be any." The Japanese started the war with the U.S., and we ended it. We then helped the Japanese rebuild and allowed their financial take over of the U.S. What a crock. And we all just stood there with our mouths open and tongues hanging out and watched them do it. What happened in 1945 happened, and I'm not so sure it was a bad move. If you want to feel guilty about nuking fanatical kamikazes and the general population of a race that would fight to the bitter end without surrender, be my guest. You have to keep in mind the heat of the time, the embers can get pretty cold after 50 years. Personally, I thank the folks at Los Alamos, the Truman White House, Jimmy Byrnes, Henry Stimson, Leslie Groves and Groves' pain-in-the-ass scientist who came up with the idea in the first place, Leo Szilard. I consider these people heros, and directly contribute the saving of numerous American lives to the use of the two wartime nuclear bombs. And the policy of Mutual Assured Destruction works. So far the best way of avoiding world thermonuclear war has been to make such a war a losing proposition on all sides. To sit back 50 years later and scoff at the use of the first two weaponized nuclear devices clearly indicates ones total lack of having a clue. On another note... You will no doubt notice the appearance of the Houston Area 713/281 BBS List (c) has changed somewhat to allow the 10 digit dialing number. Yes, the name changed to include the new Houston 281 area code, and yes we will update that darn sysop questionnaire on Houston's Atomic Cafe to allow the additional data and hopefully facilitate input/output. BBS Systems may now only use a single phone number in the list, but eventually there will be 4 lines by 30 characters (120 characters maximum) for descriptions. So, a typical BBS entry would look something like this: Atomic Cafe,The 713-530-8875 28.8k Line one of 4 lines by 30 chr Line two of 4 lines by 30 chr Line three of 4 lines by 30 ch Line four of 4 lines by 30 chr SysOps wishing to display more than a single phone number must do so in the description area. Since this isn't totally in effect just yet, a single line is only being accepted. The Houston Directories will be back soon, starting with the August list. Dwight Silverman had been providing these directories for several years, but his duties at the Houston Chronicle have expanded over the last few months and his "BBS time" has been reduced. We're looking at making several different files available, with just a single communications program in each (i.e. Procomm Plus, Qmodem, etc) so users can now download just what they need instead of a dozen different dialing directory formats. Please be patient as this issue of Connect! is already 24 hours behind schedule. I anticipate the Houston Directories to be available starting August 7, 1995. A new name for "Houston Directories" will be forthcoming, and of course the filenames will change somewhat, but the planned change shouldn't affect the availability. --Editor david.wachenschwanz@atomiccafe.com Checking the calendar... This month. . . 50th Anniversary Of The Worlds First Nuclear Weapons * Uranium Bomb Dropped On Hiroshima August 6, 1945 * * Canada's Civic Holiday Monday August 7 * * Plutonium Bomb Dropped On Nagasaki August 9, 1945 * ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ If you have story ideas, or would like to submit an article for publication ³ ³in CONNECT! MAGAZINE, contact us at 713-530-2709. Deadline for publication is³ ³the 25th day of each month. ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ * * * SPECIAL NOTICE:ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Published on a Monthly Basis as a public service by CONNECT! COMMUNICATIONS CO CONNECT! Magazine featuring The Houston Area 713/281 BBS List (c) may be file requested as BBSMAG via FIDONET at 1:106/235 or as an FTPMAIL request via InterNet: address your request as email to: ftpmail@atomiccafe.com, containing in the message body the following: GET BBSMAG.ZIP (or BBSMAG.TXT). We will automatically send back to the requestor an email message reply with the requested file attached as a UUENCODED file attachment. Ü ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄij CONNECT! Magazine CRITICAL ASSEMBLIES³ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄij "CONCRETE" SOLUTION TO THE GREENHOUSE EFFECT PROPOSED ßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßß By Gary Kliewer, LANL PIO LOS ALAMOS, N.M., July 24, 1995 - Global climate change caused by the buildup of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, known as the greenhouse effect, could be averted by a safe and permanent way to get rid of the gas devised by Los Alamos National Laboratory researchers. As a solution to the need to capture and store the vast volume of carbon dioxide inevitably produced by burning coal and oil, Klaus Lackner of Los Alamos' Fluid Dynamics Group has proposed locking up carbon dioxide by combining it chemically with abundant raw materials to form stable carbonate minerals. An economical method of capturing carbon dioxide could allow continued use of the world's $600 billion investment in fossil fuel power plants even if global warming is shown to be a serious threat. Minerals containing substantial amounts of magnesium oxide or calcium oxide react with carbon dioxide, forming limestone, dolomite or magnesite. These minerals, and even common cement, pick up carbon dioxide from the atmosphere at room temperature, but at rates measured in geologic time. However, it is possible to speed up these natural reactions to the point where carbon dioxide can be captured at the same rate that it is generated in the burning of fossil fuels, Lackner said. "This technology may be an insurance policy in the short run, if political pressure from the perceived threat of global warming forces industry to limit carbon dioxide emissions," Lackner said. "In the long run, there may be no way around it. Greatly increased use of fossil fuels could render industrial-scale carbon dioxide fixation absolutely necessary." Lackner describes his work in a paper to appear in "Energy, the International Journal." He estimates the cost of the carbonation operation on a massive scale could double the cost of electricity, based on current costs of mining and industrial operations. However, the higher cost might become economically and politically acceptable if it could avert the consequences of global warming. ß ÛßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßÛ Û For the latest news in computer technology, read Dwight Silverman's column Û Û in the business section every Sunday in The Houston Chronicle, Houston's Û Û ONLY Information Source. Û ßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßß ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄij CONNECT! Magazine: DIALING ON DOWN THE ROAD³ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄij You think you've seen everything once you've called most of the BBSs in the Houston list. Don't you think so? The BBS themes reflect the variety that is Houston. You've got a lot of churches in Houston, so you have lots of BBSs like The Corner Stone, 'Christian-based BBS' reads the description. And Houston probably has more strip joints per city block than any other city that doesn't have an armed forces base in the middle of it. So you've got lots of BBS themes like X-Citing Systems, 'Adult Nude Models and Dancers.' You've got some with the relatively safe-sounding theme of matchmaking, like longtime listed 'Houston Matchmaker'. Then you've got some with a more definite purpose, like The Joy House offering 'Adult/Love/Sex...'; Dungeon of Erotica and Cosmic Madness, which offers among its discussion areas, 'Homonet'. I've checked out a few of these boards. Most offer pictures of people alone, in pairs, or in groups enjoying or humiliating themselves. Most also offer stories going into details about these things, so if you're depraved enough, you can create your own pictures. The boards also have message areas -- local, national and international. Some of these message areas follow the theme, meaning in the 'Adult/Sex' categories, someone might leave messages to users threatening to menace them with a riding crop and then throw them to his large dog. Then we have BBSs dedicated to sports, politics, software sales, hardware sales, global understanding and any other thing you might imagine. But I never imagined one where you could order lingerie while on line. I never thought it possible, until I logged on to Holly's Terrace, 690-6160. In the sales area of the Terrace, the lingerie is catalogued according to the favorites of Holly, some other favorites of someone named, and selections from videotapes entitled 'Savor the Seduction' and 'Seductive Intimacies.' It's a good thing, those videotapes. Because it might be difficult to order from the on-line list, if one felt led to order. The lists might have any number of items listed as 'bustier' or 'teddy', even though each has a different order number. The local conversation on Holly's Terrace runs toward the polite. But inevitably, Holly's BBS users want to know what she might look like, and she was happy to oblige. 'Hmmm... I was wondering how long it would take before someone asked that. I was starting to think that nobody cared. A little about me... Hair: Brown Eyes: Gray Bust: 34 Waist: 22 Hips: 34 Height: 5'3" Weight: 105 Age: 32 Birthplace: Queens, NY Education: Masters Degree Occupation: Social Worker Ambitions: Get a raise. Turn-ons: Beautiful men and women. Saturdays. Bunnies.' Etc. For those not in the lingerie market, Holly also sells magazines and, for registered users, offers GIF pictures and short motion-picture segments, as would be expected on any of the BBSs with 'adult' topics. Some favorites listed in Holly's bulletins: BO&AN01.JPG, Two brunettes making out. 16INCH-7.JPG, Is that thing real? Yes! XMISCB09.JPG, Fun in the sun. With a knife? Still pictures number among the most popular HollyWare downloads: BB2COVER.GIF on the CD-ROM entitled Women on Wheels, got the most hits at 43 file transfers, followed by other pictures such as: RAQUEL01.GIF on HollyWare #1; And the cryptically titled LVIEW31.ZIP on mcica-General. I suppose that stands for Lower View, or Lascivious View, or something like that. Maybe even 'Love That View!' Holly has set up 'The Meet Market' where users can get actual or 'virtual' GIFs of other members. They can then send them letters inspired by their visages. Holly offers to scan pictures for users who can't digitize their own. The latest graphics from Alt.Sex on Usenet is displayed by Holly, automatically decoded for members for, as Holly puts it, 'instant gratification'!!!! For folks intimated by BBSs, Holly allows you to download TOUR.TXT. Before trekking through Holly's Terrace on-line, you can pop that in your word processor or drop it through your printer and get a textual head start in what you'll find around the Terrace. If you do decide to become a regular Holly's Terrace user, please find out what that one moving picture is, 'XMISCB09.JPG, Fun in the sun. With a knife?' The one about the two brunettes is a gimme. The other one about whether the 16 inches is real -- CONNECT! magazine's editorial staff has already ruled out that the picture could show a cheese log and broken yardstick. If it's not a summer sausage, we don't want to know. Chuck Wharton will review a different Houston BBS system or other electronic phenomenon here each month. Chisel-head. If you have comments, leave email for Charles Wharton on THE ATOMIC CAFE, or send to him via FidoNet at 1:106/235, or via the Internet as charles.wharton@ atomiccafe.com. ß ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄij CONNECT! Magazine THE HOUSTON AREA 713/281 BBS LIST (c)³ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄij CALLING A BBS AND YOU CAN'T GET AN ANSWER? Many System Operators will take their BBS down during thunderstorm activity. We encourage SysOps to take their phone line "off hook" to busy the line out during these periods of non- service. Some do, some don't. If you can't get through, try again later. If you are the SysOp of a BBS and wish to have your system listed in Houston's largest and most accurate BBS list, call THE ATOMIC CAFE BBS at 713- 530-8875. Log on under your real name, and answer the registration informat- ion. Then, from the top level menu, select . You will then be at the Houston Area 713/281 BBS List (c) Center. Select <4> to add a system or to change your system. Select <5> to remove your system from the list. In either case, you will be asked to answer a questionnaire for EACH line you wish to list. The service is FREE. We reserve the right to refuse to list any system that we feel may be inappropriate to list. Here are a few other things to keep in mind ... *FidoNet BBS systems dedicate one hour a day to mail exchange. That hour is normally from 4-5 a.m. central time, or 3-4 a.m. central daylight time. Most FidoNet nodes will not accept a call from a human user during that time, but does allow other computers on the network to connect to exchange mail. *Numbers that ring constantly over a period of a few days are removed from the list due to the fact that the system may have been de-commissioned and that number may now be a voice line. We cannot take a chance on that. *If you encounter a human voice on a line listed herein as a BBS, please let us know. Send the number and the name of the system to: Houston Area 713/281 BBS List, P. O. Box 720894, Houston Texas 77072. Or send Internet email to d.wachenschwanz@atomiccafe.com; FidoNet email to David Wachenschwanz @ FidoNet node 1:106/235; or call 713-530-8875, The Atomic Cafe BBS and register as a new user. *There is no charge for accessing The Atomic Cafe to do this. We do very much appreciate your assistance in keeping the Houston Area 713/281 BBS List (c) up to date and as accurate as possible. *Houston is a VERY VOLATILE BBS market. Systems up one day may be down for good on the next. For every system to goes down, there are usually 2 or 3 to replace it. Therefore, it is vital that you always do your BBS dialing from a RECENT list. 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BBS 713-998-8430 14.4k CD-Rom, Wildnet! FREE ACCESS! A Room of One's Own 713-587-2668 14.4k Conservative feminism A SpinTime 713-812-2109 28.8k 62,000 Files/Football contest Aardvark Park 713-664-7799 28.8k HCBBS member, Fido, Files, Fun Abacus BBS 713-398-0949 14.4k Home Education On The Internet Abated Expenses 713-729-5811 28.8k Files,messages,hardware prices Abend BBS 713-771-2802 14.4k Abinitio's 713-957-1413 28.8k GuardNet,Files,Doors,Adult Area Abstract Realities II 713-998-2337 14.4k VGA Graphics Online Access BBS 713-838-1445 14.4k Files, Confs, Adult Section Acid Rain 713-347-6131 19.2k Files(800+megs).Messages.Doors After Hours Night Club 713-277-6106 14.4k Adults Only! Live chat! GIFS Alcatraz RBBS-PC 713-450-3870 28.8k Fido-RBBS-Paul Mail Nets/USRDS Alien Visitors BBS 713-579-7001 14.4k The UFO Internet Gateway All City BBS 713-349-0955 19.2k Chat ALL ages,Files,Games Alluvium Mist 713-451-3989 16.8k CandyNet, SGANet, CD-ROM Alvin BBS 713-331-0317 09.6k Files , door games and more Amoeba Chant BBS 713-367-6595 14.4k 40,000+ Files: No ratios: Msgs Anchor,The 713-688-9162 02.4k Atari ST BBS Angel's BBS 713-475-1622 02.4k A little something for all Anything Goes! BBS 713-787-6291 28.8k Multiplayer Doom I, Doom II Apex 713-362-7450 28.8k Internet E-mail & Newsgroups Apparitions Appear 713-491-0467 19.2k 1.7 gig games,adult,Fido Archives BBS 713-722-7724 14.4k Reliable Internet Email ATAS Computing 713-837-8003 14.4k Circuitnet, FIDO, BRE IP Atomic Cafe, The 713-530-8875 28.8k BBS List Headquarters Aztec Gold 713-367-0155 28.8k Files, Games, Messge bases B4-U-BUY 713-975-2424 14.4k Free - Sourcing Databases Basic to Basic BBS 713-481-1413 14.4k Programming & movie listings Battleship BBS 713-957-3217 14.4k Messages,On-line games Bay Area Connections 713-471-3846 14.4k Family oriented,HCBBS/Fidonet Bay Area Lightspeed 713-339-1277 14.4k Messages, Doors, Files, Fun Bay-Area OnLine 713-837-9949 14.4k GUI,1.5GB,Internet,Games,Forum Bayou Bend BBS 713-894-0574 14.4k Fido,CDROM,Genealogy,All Ages Bears Den BBS,The 713-550-9243 14.4k Fido,Pridenet,Internet,Adult Beginner's RBBS 713-666-0035 14.4k New User Help Beholder's Lab,The 713-333-8318 14.4k Contextual Paranormia! & RPGS BHA & Associates BBS 713-320-0197 28.8k Internet, Messaging, CD-ROMs Bill Claire Mortuary 713-498-6163 14.4k Fido/FamilyNet/Nano/SysopNet Bio Feedback BBS 713-469-0434 28.8k Old Folks Home Bit Bucket BBS,The 713-496-9670 28.8k Internet/Usenet/Fido/RIPscrip Bits and Pieces 713-379-3110 28.8k Multi-Line,4Gigs,Gifs,PD,FIDO Biznicomm 713-556-5703 14.4k Small business, fun, & friends Blac Lithium 713-256-3411 14.4k Star Wars RPG Playing! Games! Black Box 713-480-2686 14.4k v32b/v42b,FTP,InterNet,games Black Gold 713-437-1101 14.4k Files,Games,Message,Fido,CDrom Black Moon 713-926-7848 16.8k Messages & online games! Blue Eagle BBS,The 713-471-2330 28.8k CAP,HAM,Fido,Emergency Service Blue Ribbon,The 713-463-8656 28.8k BRE,Pit,TW,SRE are registered Blue Waters BBS,The 713-947-9955 28.8k Apogee Dist. Site --Free Board Runners 713-861-0034 14.4k The Ultimate in Atari BBS's Boomerville,USA 713-370-1444 19.2k Family BBS; Rime; Newbies Loved! Boss Board,The 713-479-1967 14.4k Sports, Fido, CD's, & Files Brain Storm Learning 713-550-8105 14.4k College Textbooks/SAT/And More Brewers Witch BBS,The 713-272-6232 14.4k Internet,Chat,Files,PODNet Builders Communications 713-579-1235 28.8k Royce Homes Floor Plans/Photos Bulldozer's BBS 713-242-6370 19.2k 10+ gigs online,Multi-Line Byte Me BBS 713-975-0502 14.4k v.42; Files; Games; Mods; Gif's Byte Source BBS,The 713-495-1161 09.6k v.42bis; Games, GIFs, Graphics CD Caddy 713-888-0496 28.8k 21 CDs online RSN C.E.R.N 713-558-5342 09.6k UFOs, paranormal C.Y.A. BBS,The 713-879-6013 28.8k Files,games,fido,OS/2 support Cafe Hawaii 713-361-5839 28.8k GUI interface,Files,Graphics Calamari Cruisers 713-463-2854 14.4k Animaniacs/StarWars, files&msg Canadian Connection 713-699-1010 14.4k Files, Messages, Info, Fun Carolyn's Place 713-579-3567 09.6k Crossdressing/TransGendered Cats Lair BBS,The 713-837-9614 16.8k A full dynamic bbs Chat Shack,The 713-895-0748 02.4k Adult 18 and over only Chatterbox BBS 713-597-3500 28.8k 32 lines, Social, Chat, Files City Lights 713-455-1492 14.4k Arnet,Fidonet,CDROM,Ham,Doors City of the Ancients 713-664-6824 14.4k RPG Headquarters of Houston ClearWaters BBS 713-344-0442 19.2k 10,000+Files,CD-ROM,Doors,FREE Cliff Lee Consulting 713-347-3187 14.4k Ray Tracing and Graphics Club Amiga BBS 713-528-7511 16.8k Amiga User's Group HQ, Echos Coast Colony BBS 713-776-3226 19.2k Emphasis on art and artists Cobra BBS 713-996-8762 14.4k Games, Echos, Files Coco Loco 713-923-6809 02.4k Comm Port One 713-980-9671 09.6k FidoNet Compu-Sys International 713-464-0786 02.4k Games,Msgs,Files,ADULT & Reg. Computerized Networker 713-280-8586 14.4k MLM/Hm based bus NO game/Adult Computer Room,The 713-420-5725 14.4k 2gigs files/Vegas Game Doors Computer Scorephone 713-837-8235 28.8k Internet, Fidonet, Files, GIFs Confusion Central 713-367-7391 14.4k Doors, Fido, chickens, & more Connexions BBS 713-332-6622 14.4k Shareware,drivers,messages Conservative BBS 713-579-8161 14.4k WildNet, UseNet Cosmic Madness 713-356-6124 14.4k Files, doors, homonet Crew Online 713-361-5263 14.4k Airline Professionals Semi/PVT Cross Town Connection 713-820-1136 14.4k Games, Message Base, Files Crusader Software 713-530-5144 09.6k General BBS system Crystal Castle BBS,The 713-947-3733 14.4k Lots of LORD,Adult Areas,FUN! Cuddly Place,The 713-956-1374 01.2k Voting booth,files,friendly Cutting Edge,The 713-466-1525 28.8k Usenet/Internet/Ilink/Intelec Cybercomm Industries 713-855-7687 28.8k GIF/JPG/MIDI/MOD/MOV files Cybercomm Industries 713-855-1910 28.8k Two lines, files, doors, more CyberFix BBS 713-586-7296 28.8k WorldGroup Major BBS Cyber*Net 713-438-0229 14.4k Free Tradewars, Matchmakers CyberShack 2000+ 713-935-0978 14.4k 3.9 Gigabytes of files Cyborg BBS,The 713-641-3877 28.8k CD-ROMS*Files*games*messages* Cyclone BBS!,The 713-398-3962 14.4k Many Files,Doors, and Messages Dance-Kill Routin!,The 713-343-9539 14.4k Trade Wars and Echoes Dark Dragon's Hideaway 713-433-3684 02.4k Online games Dark Horse,The 713-550-2481 28.8k Internet E-mail, Newsgroups Darknite BBS,The 713-996-8175 14.4k Games/doom galore/utils/adult! Dark Side 713-489-7073 28.8k 1.2gigs of Files Games,Message DataFlow 713-292-1018 28.8k 5 gig of filez, doorz Data Warp Premium BBS 713-355-6107 28.8k Internet, Thousands of Files Database Connections 713-980-3234 16.8k dBase & Clipper help; FidoNet Dead Parrots Society 713-437-8858 14.4k Activists, Radicals & Events Debate Place 713-953-9991 02.4k FidoNet Deer Park Connection 713-479-2184 02.4k Delayed Confusion 713-379-4469 28.8k Files\Messages\Doors\Gifs\More Den Of Perversion BBS 713-777-9562 19.2k Alternative Lifestyles Desktop Overdrive 713-859-0513 14.4k Doors! (BRE regd), E-mail nets Destiny BBS 713-472-2299 19.2k A Family Oriented Chat BBS Dickinson Night Light 713-337-1452 09.6k FidoNet Digital Dimensions 713-520-0555 28.8k SGANet/DuckNet/Files/Doors/Fun Digital Lands 713-464-8908 14.4k 6+Gigs/Game Network/PD & Adult Dignity/Houston 713-499-4828 19.2k Doors, Files, CD-Rom, Msgs Dimensions of Infinity 713-682-6609 28.8k Messages, Fidonet, ClassyAdult Dixie BBS,The 713-983-0808 14.4k Files, On-Line Games Doghouse PCBoard,The 713-837-1103 28.8k One of the oldest in Harris Co Doom Central 713-575-0932 14.4k Total doom! No ratios! Doors! Dos Lords Dungeon 713-681-1779 14.4k Files, Messages, Echomail Double Bogey BBS 713-575-0397 14.4k Shareware & Adult sections Dream Sequence,The 713-835-0965 28.8k Friends, fun, and messaging! Dungeon Of Erotica 713-338-0657 16.8k Adult sections,chat,files,door Eat Flaming Death 713-447-1927 02.4k Wargame board Electric Gridiron 713-856-8127 14.4k Sports associated BBS Electric Oracle 713-460-9997 16.8k Door games, FIDO/usenet msgs Emmanuel In Houston 713-458-7580 28.8k Smooth runnin' place! Enchanted Forest,The 713-493-6018 09.6k Messages/Utilities/PCHelp End!,The 713-363-1231 28.8k The END! A Technical Help BBS! Erotica 713-353-9254 14.4k Adults only! Adult file areas Esctasy 713-499-8086 28.8k Adults Only Please Eternity,Inc 713-452-7008 14.4k Family/Christian/Mental Health EZ-Host BBS 713-280-8180 14.4k 9600 MNP, 38400 v.42bis Fairlane 713-489-4580 14.4k Friendly FIDO-NET PR-NET Games Fallen Castle,The 713-326-2546 28.8k Files, Adult, Doors, Ect. Fantasy Party Line BBS 713-596-7101 14.4k Adult/Parties/32ln/Cpls/Singls Files Hideout,The 713-540-2220 14.4k Files,door games, message area Final Approach 713-463-2960 14.4k Flynet, Fidonet - Aviation BBS Fireside 713-496-6319 14.4k USR DS V.32bis/V.42bis FidoNet First Time BBS 713-522-1170 14.4k Gay, chat-oriented, 16 lines Flight Center BBS,The 713-499-5812 14.4k Files, Cd-Roms, Adult Flourescent Igloo,The 713-524-7342 19.2k Games/Messaging/GAY-LESBIAN Flyin' High BBS 713-527-8389 14.4k Flight Based-FREE-Many features Foreplay Online 713-487-5885 14.4k Free, Adult access,chat,GIFs! Frappyland 713-493-3203 14.4k CotSG Welcome! Normals beware! Freelancin' 713-522-2629 09.6k Free Spirit 713-456-9788 19.2k Family Oriented/Christian Fringe,The 713-996-6866 14.4k Files,messages,autoimmune supt Fun 'n the Sun BBS 713-280-9655 28.8k MSGS,Files,CD,Fun,Games,Inter Galactic WarZone,The 713-498-4231 14.4k 20 doors,adult area,Fido soon Game Palace,The 713-458-2085 14.4k Games,Adult,Kid's,Doors,Fun Game Room,The 713-268-3146 14.4k Totally Free, Door games-r-us! Garden,The 713-556-9167 14.4k Fidonet Messages - BBS-Chess Gas Station,The 713-947-1629 14.4k CD-Rom,Games,Adult,Fido,1+gig Gateway Houston 713-522-2629 02.4k SF/Fantasy games Gavel,The 713-785-5877 19.2k ANSI Art, Chess, Legal, QWK General,The 713-438-3156 28.8k 5+ Gigs files/msgs 14.4-21.6 Genus BBS 713-870-0601 14.4k Graphics Toolkits Support/Info Get Tanked BBS 713-379-1578 14.4k Aquaria, politics, RPGs, etc Giddy-Up-Go-Truckstop 713-397-8157 14.4k Games,files,messages,matchmake Golden Coco BBS,The 713-941-1542 02.4k Fido 1:106/941 EchoMail, OS/9 Goldfinger's BBS 713-579-2625 14.4k Home of CardNet, new MSG net Goose's Nest 713-492-7929 14.4k 200+ Doors,No File Ratios Grasshopper Nest 713-980-0998 16.8k Doors, messages & files Gravity Gate,The 713-479-1566 19.2k Configged! Msgs/rpgs/files! Ground Zero 713-973-6915 14.4k No ratios!,CD-Rom,BRE,Lord REG Guitar Board,The 713-442-1525 02.4k Houston's Guitarist Connection Gunshop,The 713-472-6577 14.4k Guns/ammo Aviation adult photo HAAUG Heaven 713-977-3587 28.8k Mac/Apple 2 HAAUG members only HACE BBS 713-458-9923 02.4k HAL-PC BBS 713-963-4100 14.4k Members ONLY;FidoNet 1:106/4100 HANA 713-917-0998 14.4k Networks, Lans, Netware & NUI Haney On-line 713-332-3385 09.6k Files Harry's Asylum 713-471-6503 01.2k SIGs,Online games,voting,85megs Health Center,The 713-439-6322 14.4k Health-oriented messages/files Heaven's Gate BBS 713-298-6927 14.4k Christian files and messages Heavn BBS 713-996-5352 14.4k A little something for us all Helix 713-998-5600 14.4k Internet, MUDs, Chat Hera's Palace 713-978-7446 14.4k Files,Doors,Message areas..... Hitchhiker's Guide,The 713-242-7685 14.4k Files,Intelec,Deep Echo,2-line Hobo Haven 713-429-7862 28.8k Files,No ratios-100+door Games Holly's Terrace 713-690-6160 28.8k 6+ Gigabytes of Files Home Brew Univ/Houston 713-923-6418 14.4k Homebrewing and Beer info!! Homo Sapiens Club,The 713-855-7289 14.4k Mental Health,Addiction etc. Hot Pursuit BBS! 713-852-7060 19.2k FIDO/PoliceNet/NLEMS/WildNet House of Chat 713-448-4585 14.4k Zchat/Zlink, Games, Files Houston Alt Lifestyles 713-849-1048 19.2k Gay/chat/45 lines/6 gig d/l's Houston Catholic 713-837-8455 16.8k Candle,Reshet,Catholic Files Houston Chat Channel 713-849-1000 19.2 Chat/social 6 gig d/l's Houston Connection 713-523-4120 02.4k OS/9 system assistance Houston Heights BBS 713-862-3950 19.2k 13 gigs files,games, messages Houston Inline 713-265-4000 14.4k Assocs/Class/Jobs/InternetMail Houston Libertarian 713-728-9777 14.4k Libertarian, privacy activism Houston Matchmaker 713-480-4466 16.8k 48Lns telnet houston.email.net Houston N/W Z-Node 713-937-8886 09.6k QWK mail door, files,Zcpr3 area Houston Sports Network 713-988-8411 28.8k Usenet-Fidonet-Files-Free Houston Windows 713-996-7439 14.4k Windows ONLY files/messages HOWL!! 713-862-1415 14.4k Life! Files! Words! Soul! Hyper Zone,The 713-497-7214 19.2k games,files,msg,ect. IBS 713-840-0935 14.4k Many message areas I.F.H.C.A 713-948-9906 02.4k Pipe,valve,fitting database I.S.H.A 713-583-0064 14.4k Internet Access Provider Ice Castle,The 713-722-5400 02.4k Chat lines/e-mail/cd databases Ice Lair BBS 713-694-1522 02.4k 6 Nodes, Adult Chat Lounges Ikonoclast 713-721-1538 14.4k Games, philosophy Improbability Drive In 713-339-2273 02.4k Msg,gamesud, 128 support In Living Color 713-455-5050 02.4k Subs and more Info-Net/Police-Net BBS 713-873-0403 14.4k FidoNet 1:106/911 InfoQuest BBS 713-320-9163 14.4k Games, files, CD-rom, FidoNet Information Station 713-575-8540 19.2k Lots of doors, fido,messages Inner Circle,The 713-351-2524 19.2k 10+ GIG'S Adult,games,windows Intercont'l Airways 713-661-7360 09.6k AutoDial String 6617360,,77,77 Internet Source One 713-623-7920 09.6k At prompt:c ios Intersection 713-451-5993 02.4k Msg,online games, 20 meg xfer Isle of View 713-564-9779 28.8k 1.2gig-Files, Games, Anti-viri JW's BBS 713-680-1296 14.4k Fidonet / CD Rom online Jackson's BBS,The 713-849-4022 28.8k 3Gigs,Adult,Echos T-Net Jamwar BBS! 713-362-8452 28.8k User friendly,instant access Jason's BBS 713-361-3169 14.4k Games! Adult Areas, GIF's!! Jim Dandy's BBS 713-476-9709 14.4k FidoNET/onlineGAMES/Adult File Joe's Bar and Grill 713-674-4640 02.4k FidoNet Joe's Place BBS 713-991-3251 28.8k CD-ROM,files,games Jose Cuervo BBS 713-787-9658 02.4k Programming Material Joy House,The 713-458-9293 28.8k Adult/Love/Sex/S&SNets/Files JunkYard,The 713-458-0552 14.4k Keefer's Keep 713-484-3485 02.4k Nancon Team AD&D staff King's Corner BBS,The 713-550-2661 14.4k CD-Rom,Circuit Net,LOD,TW2002 Knights Realm, The 713-293-9666 14.4k Adults Only Node 24bit Graphix Knights Realm BBS,The 713-475-8862 19.2k Excalibur for Windows 4 nodes Knowledge Transfer 713-370-5804 02.4k Education;CBT;AI;Entrepreneurs Komputers for Kids! 713-286-7800 14.4k Universal Law/Edu/Wolves Kulture Kolor BBS 713-441-8125 14.4k Bringing the world together! Labyrinth,The 713-558-2194 19.2k Files, Games, Messages La Chat Cabaret 713-392-7280 19.2k New format! Social,chat,4+GIGS Last Call 713-523-8366 14.4k 2-lines; Alt. Lifestyle, FidoNet Last Chance BBS 713-576-2795 14.4k PD & Lots of Gifs,CD-ROM Door Latino BBS 713-531-9980 28.8k 1.5gigs, Fido, Games, Bilingual Launch Pad 713-498-7996 09.6k FidoNet Learning Connection 713-265-5711 14.4k Kids Educational Files. Free Learning Curve BBS,The 713-933-3510 28.8k Files, files, files, files Leisure World 713-859-0902 16.8k Fido,CLink,AmiNet,ADS,SAN Linear Logic BBS 713-561-0702 14.4k Messages, tech, netmail, files Linx 713-440-7364 01.2k Litter Box,The 713-242-3679 14.4k 12 Lines! Chat, Internet Email Livewire BBS 713-821-4749 19.2k FidoNet,CircuitNet..Zyxel 19.2 Lone*Star BBS,The 713-485-8127 19.2k Online tape, adult, gifs, jpg Longhorn BBS,The 713-937-8636 14.4k Outdoors,fido,free internetmail Lost Boys BBS 713-975-7943 14.4k Alternative lifestyles Lotto Club,The 713-820-4870 02.4k Lotto Pool Lechuza BBS 713-676-0858 14.4k Fido-Doors-Come Join Lumin‚ Online 713-242-8741 28.8k Anti-Violence/General Interest MacEndeavour 713-640-1298 14.4k Mac msgs, files; Fido, UseNet Magic Dreams BBS 713-338-4679 14.4k Games,Msg's,Adult Games,Files Mailbox,The 713-331-1753 28.8k Messages, Files, Doors Main Line BBS 713-893-1541 28.8k CD-ROM, USR 28.8 Line, Doors Manufacturer's Support 713-565-1498 19.2k Free Internet Access/Tech Spt Matrix Family BBS 713-575-0818 14.4k 5000 files No Ratio!! Media Bank 713-748-2420 14.4k MediaSys 713-356-2792 14.4k Photo/Publishing/Imaging/EMAIL Mel's 713-896-1545 14.4k Genealogy;Shareware;Religious Men's Room 713-528-7159 14.4k Alternative Lifestyle for Men Michael's Place 713-946-8606 14.4k Fido Echo/NetMail;Internet Midnight Hours BBS 713-491-5844 14.4k Games-files-messages-doors Mister Ed's BBS 713-580-8105 02.4k Mont Belvieu BBS 713-385-2001 14.4k 1.2Gigabytes online USRHST Morning Train BBS,The 713-860-0751 02.4k Games, Files, Misc stuff Mr. Ed's Corner 713-447-6119 14.4k v.32/v.42; Programming Music Connection,The 713-240-0105 14.4k FidoNet MyBBS 713-364-8241 14.4k Science, Politics, Star Trek My Blue Heaven 713-587-1905 14.4k Doors, 200+Msgs, CDROM, 18&UP My New BBS 713-726-0445 14.4k Growing N.H.C. BBS 713-443-5782 14.4k Education/Star Trek/Info Neutral Zone,The 713-522-3455 14.4k Games, Echomail, soon files New Ware Club 713-558-9420 14.4k Virus;Games;Windows Night Hawk BBS 713-540-3311 14.4k Over 1000 files online Nite Line BBS 713-487-7848 14.4k Fido net, Messages Nocturnal Madness 713-499-5468 09.6k No Ratios,Adult Files Normal Place,The 713-861-0007 14.4k Fido,Door Games,Files,MSGBASES Nuts and Bytes BBS 713-997-9867 14.4k Doors, Files, GTPN, FIDO Olympus BBS 713-726-0160 14.4k Online games/cd roms/files On Welfare 713-259-0715 14.4k Msgs/doors/files/art/coding Open Door BBS,The 713-937-9243 19.2 Lord reg. Tons of Doors Online Outlaw 713-458-4820 14.4k 2400/14400 Multiline All Adult Pachyderm Police BBS 713-464-7429 14.4k Police only! Games,echo,files Pale Rider 713-434-8308 14.4k Files/Games/New Users Welcome! Panda's Realm 713-691-6237 19.2k All adult BBS Pandora 713-298-9064 28.8k Ansi art-No Ratio's-CDROM-CHO Paradise Isle 713-583-0759 19.2k Adult - free Internet Access Paradise PLay Line 713-597-4000 28.8k 38 lines of excitement and Joy Parliament 713-443-6632 14.4k Adult File Areas Paul T's Place 713-941-6112 14.4k Mail,files,games,local chat Pegasus on Line 713-499-1857 28.8k OS/2 files and messages Pen Cap Chew 713-379-5385 19.2k Doors, files, messages Penguins On Parade 713-787-9077 19.2k Music & Writing, Fidonet, Etc. Pentecostal BBS,The 713-641-3058 09.6k Christian, 4CD-Rom dr.Free D/L Perry's BBS 713-466-5349 14.4k Adults only - Files - Messages Phantasia BBS 713-457-6669 28.8k SciFi/Fantasy/Anime/RIME Phone Booth BBS,The 713-820-2223 14.4k Lord and More + Adult Sections Phunny Pharm,The 713-474-5420 14.4k Megamail,Medical,Aviation PIC of the MID Town 713-961-5817 28.8k Adult areas and OS2 Pink Triangle BBS,The 713-921-2190 28.8k Chat,Gifs,Message echos,games Pinnacle Entertainment 713-530-7365 28.8k Play commercial games online!! Pit Road BBS 713-568-0814 28.8k Chat,Doors,Files,Adult Areas! Platinum RBBS,The 713-667-4215 16.8k USR DS-Validation Required Playline Magazine BBS 713-568-4400 02.4k Adult dating, sexual areas Pleasure Dome 713-497-7731 14.4k Message base,files, doorgames Polar Bear Hotel 713-692-8527 28.8k 4 nets, family/Xtian, msg/games Poor Man's BBS 713-451-6455 14.4k Files, Messages, Online Games PowerHouse BBS 713-852-7028 14.4k Christian Oriented Power Plus 713-550-9944 28.8k Computer store,INet,Fido,5GB PrimeTime 713-492-8700 28.8k Flight Sims & Modem Gaming Prince's Palace,The 713-474-3339 14.4k All Are Welcome Programmers Attic,The 713-894-4429 14.4k Programming: all languages Programmers Palace 713-242-4708 28.8k ZyXel 2864I ISDN 64kbps/v.34 PSL Online 713-442-6704 14.4k Public(software)Library online Psychodrome BBS 713-488-6817 14.4k HUFON-VGA Planets-Hack -Solves Psycholistic Tendencie 713-491-1833 28.8k Files,messages,doors,internet! Psychotherapy Online 713-785-7877 14.4k 24hr On Line Psychotherapy Quick Draw BBS 713-448-2853 09.6k Ragnarok 713-621-8252 14.4k 1.7GB/CD/Adult/Msg's/Mac files RAM-Rock BBS 713-662-0060 19.2k Adult files and Entertainment Rangers F.U.B.A.R.BBS 713-992-3860 16.8k 9600 + only, files files files Raster Line,The 713-568-0825 28.8k 1.9 Gig online,Fido,Comic Sig Real Estate Board,The 713-699-5082 14.4k HUD & VA properties on-line Really Big Board,The 713-784-6073 19.2k FlyNet/Aviation Fido Free! LOD Realm of Chaos!,The 713-579-1249 28.8k Doom Mania,Multiplayer L.O.R.D. Recovery Room 713-242-9674 09.6k Addiction/12 Step recovery Remote Control,The 713-324-3931 19.2k Files-Games-Messages-Fidonet Renegade 713-682-1546 28.8k Fun place to call for games Riker's Lair 713-939-9328 14.4k 5 Lords,60 online games,Files Ringworld 713-856-8525 14.4k Roller & Inline Skating Info Rivan Warrior 713-324-3302 14.4k Multi-net, RPG's, etc. Roach Coach OS/2,The 713-343-0942 19.2k USR DS V.32t Fidonet OS2Net Round Table,The 713-922-1393 02.4k BBS for eclectics,GC MENSA Route 66 OnLine 713-342-3650 14.4k Collector Car Images Online Safe Haven BBS,The 713-890-5567 14.4k Doom and Dwango exchange Sanctuary BBS 713-802-9106 14.4k Christian, Games, Doors, Files Sandman's Castle 713-339-0098 14.4k Files and door games Sands 713-961-1604 28.8k General/Modem Technical Sarcasm Central 713-460-9632 19.2k Broad message bases, files Satellite TV Board 713-623-4899 09.6k Dishcetera/RIME Hub/Internet Scouting BBS,The 713-649-8824 02.4k Scouting, Messages, Files, ect Second Chance BBS 713-482-9328 28.8k 12 Step/Survivor Support Set Free! BBS 713-324-4421 14.4k Christian, Ministry, BBS Chess Sex,Drugs,Rock&Roll 713-771-0343 14.4k Rock&Roll oriented board Shadetree BBS 713-821-9948 14.4k Internet,Games,Adult sec,Mail Shadex Online 713-777-4427 19.2k Great Mac BBS!! 2 nodes Shadow's Inn 713-897-0924 14.4k Fantasy, Friends & Fun Shadows Of Nights 713-354-6406 14.4k Files,Fidonet,Podnet and Doors Shangrila City BBS 713-807-9650 14.4k Family BBS - Many Games - NETS Shark Waters 713-890-0025 02.4k 31 doors Shattered Illusions 713-787-6124 14.4k CD-ROM, Filez, Door games Shelly's Web 713-523-3446 14.4k Files, games and messages Shop-Stop,The 713-558-8989 19.2k Great Deals & CD-ROM ONLINE Silent Mobius BBS 713-872-3752 14.4k Anime/adult/shareware Singles Connection! 713-956-8777 14.4k Roll-Over line Slug Trailllll 713-479-8043 02.4k Files for kids, General Snake Pit 713-466-3022 14.4k USR DS;FidoNet Echos;Files;GIFS Software Pipeline,The 713-997-7651 19.2kf OnLine CDROM Store-All ratings Solar Realm,The 713-855-1665 14.4k Home of SR-Games! Solutions 713-438-1219 28.8k Investment/RealEstate/Watkins Sonic Temple,The 713-496-0709 14.4k Files, Games, Chat and More Soul Asylum 713-946-4051 28.8k Full of nonsense Southern Outpost,The 713-997-7138 14.4k On-line games, messages, files Southern Hospitality BBS 713-522-1515 14.4k Chat!/CDROM/FidoNet/GSN/Games! Spacey's World 713-342-7922 14.4k Files,games,fun,adult area Specific Solutions 713-522-1104 14.4k Rec.backcountry & rec.guns arc SpeedTrap BBS,The 713-587-9538 19.2k Files,messages, and Doors, cd Spinning Wheel,The 713-661-7352 14.4k Adult, files, doors & echo's S.S.P.C 713-485-2127 28.8k Files/messages Star Base I 713-961-0744 14.4k 2 Nodes!700megs!100+msgs areas Star Crusier's Flites 713-455-2409 02.4k Files Starshine 713-998-2282 28.8k Files,cd rom Strike Force BBS 713-996-5513 14.4k Door Games,Shareware C\D' SWX Southwest Crossing 713-933-9303 19.2k General information Synergy BBS 713-558-2040 28.8k A free computer flea market Tales of the Crypt 713-251-1961 14.4k Files, Doors, Nets.. Talk Channel Houston 713-476-5196 14.4k Adult social/chat 32 lines Tattoo's Emporium 713-695-0239 14.4k Adult Files,Doors,and More! Terrapin Station,The 713-584-9877 14.4k 5Gig,chat,internet,msgs,adult Texas Access Unix 713-488-2918 14.4k Internet shell account Texas Cancer Data Center 713-794-5858 14.4k Cancer Stats and Resources Texas Computer Sales 713-821-8320 14.4k Tech Support & Sales Texas Gold Mine 713-849-1090 14.4k Online games and files Texas Online BBS 713-476-0007 28.8k Just a Great Place to Call Texas Outpost, The 713-354-2975 28.8k Technical - CD - Networks Texas Safety Association 713-265-7872 14.4k Business and Personal Safety There Is Life 713-855-8142 14.4k F,M,C,Educational,Religious Tiger's Eye BBS 713-974-2525 28.8k Games,Files,Chat,Free Speech Toon-Town BBS 713-332-0809 28.8k 1.2gb,FidoNet,DarkNet,Games,CD Town Square BBS 713-477-2681 28.8k Tradewars, 10gig free files Track Hound,The 713-331-4106 14.4k Racing Greyhound Info/FIDO Traders BBS,The 713-991-3325 14.4k Buy/sell/trade/6 cd rom's Tranquility Base 713-893-9124 14.4k Star Trek, BBS Chess, CD-ROM Truth or Die! 713-537-1356 28.8k Rpgs!Lots of msgs!Anime!Fun! Twilight of Reality 713-785-5439 16.8k Apple II/Files/IIne-Net Twisted Psyche BBS 713-489-1154 14.4k Demo Group Dist; Demo Coding Ugly Duckling BBS,The 713-332-7004 28.8k Recovery,Fido,DOS,Windows,CP/M Uncle Wally's Place 713-493-2501 14.4k Assoc. of Shareware Prof. BBS Under Construction 713-931-0600 14.4k Underground,The 713-589-6469 14.4k Adult,celebrity,files,doors UnderWorld Society 713-681-6166 14.4k UnderNet, Live RPG's! MystNet! Up All-Nite BBS 713-477-3708 14.4k Adult, Game Files,Msg. USS Pegasus 713-978-7566 28.8k USR VFC/DS,Ham,rpg,cdrom,2.6Gb Valley Soft BBS 713-893-2851 14.4k WWIVnet,Files, Message areas Vanity Vanity Publishing 713-692-1919 02.4k "Not Just For Writers" Venom! 713-350-2766 28.8k USR/DS v.* Doom/Heretic Files VeriTech 713-578-0308 14.4k FidoNet Video X-Change 713-388-4932 14.4k Adult Videos on line,gifs,free VRBBS Game System 713-955-7688 14.4k Multy-player on-line games Wally World 713-894-5350 14.4k UFO Files, Windows, GIFs, Walrus Street Journal 713-270-7372 14.4k CD Rom, Files and Doors Free!! WareHouse,The 713-479-3709 14.4k Massive Mod files, easy access Watchtower,The 713-894-6375 28.8k Games, files, messages, adult Watering Hole,The 713-895-8356 14.4k Messages, files, online games WCSCNet 713-568-6401 09.6k FidoNet Wheel,The 713-341-5573 02.4k FidoNet White Tower,The 713-894-0140 14.4k Files, Doors, and Messages Windows Mania BBS 713-558-8707 28.8k Windows Files & Message Areas Wings 713-852-3753 28.8k Free Access,2-gigs,+3000 Files Wizard's Realm,The 713-946-7315 02.4k Message based BBS+fish/pet SIG Wooden Shoe,The 713-474-9657 09.6k Games/Files/Messages/Fido Worldwide Pants Inc 713-484-9476 14.4k Doors,messages,and lots of fun WYSIWYG International BBS 713-537-0939 14.4k Dating Svc,travel,adult ent. X-Citing Systems 713-943-4000 28.8k Adult Nude Models and Dancers Yankee Clipper,The 713-597-1653 14.4k Free,friendly>>BRE,trade,lord! Ye Olde Bailey 713-520-1569 16.8k Usenet & Smartnet Hub Ye Olde Inn 713-331-3056 28.8k The "Funnest" BBS in town! Zachary Net 713-933-7353 09.6k Ü ²²²²²²²²²²²² ************************************************************************** *ÕÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ͸* *³ CONROE AREA 409 METRO BBS LIST (c) ³* *ÔÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ;* ************************************************************************** ²²²²²²²²²²²² The Conroe Metro Number is a local call from MOST of the Houston area. In order to dial the number just dial the 409 without the 1. If you are a Sysop of a Conroe Metro BBS and would like to see your BBS added to this listing please CONTACT LISA JACKSON at 1:106/3297 or 409-321-3297. List (c) Copyright 1995 by Lisa Jackson -- Used By Permission ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Maximum System Name Phone Number BPS System Description ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Brigadoon 409-321-4637 14.4k Fido, Paul Revere Nets, Games Computer Exchange 409-441-6879 14.4k Support BBS for Comp. Exchange Coyotes Den 409-447-3198 14.4k Conserative, Msgs, Files, Fido CSI Online 409-321-3297 14.4k Msgs - Files - Fido - Games Hawks Nest 409-445-3720 19.2k HawkMail, Internode Chat Motherboard 409-441-2939 14.4k Files, Internet WBBS 409-447-4267 28.8k Ham Radio, FIDO/ITCNET ß ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³CONNECT! Magazine(c) and The Houston Area 713/281 BBS List(c) Copyright 1995³ ³ by David E. Wachenschwanz ³ ³ ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ³ ³ Unauthorized reproduction or use is prohibited ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ