Below is the form needed to become a distribution site, for software from BG Creations. If you like you can Netmail it to me at 1:262/40. Or drop it in the mail. Before you fill out the form I would just like to let you know what I expect from a distribution site. I do require all sites to be a 24 hour BBS, as well as a Continuous Mail (CM) Fidonet Node. Basically I would like all Dist. Sites to make the doors available for File Request (FREQ) and provide availability of my Doors to their area. You don't have to make Long Distance calls to distribute, just keep the local area provided. You don't have to make bulletin screen if you don't want to. But do put something on the Logon screen to let users know that you ARE an official distribution site for BG Creations. When a new door is released I would like you to make the release known to those logging on your BBS, as well as the BBS's in your area. A good way to save time is: if your Local Net has a local Echo area, pertaining to PC's or software, just post a message in that area letting the other nodes know about the Doors you have available. I can't pay anyone in funds, but what I WILL do is this. When you fill out this form, and everything checks out ok, I will give you one registration for a door of your choice. Then in the future if you wish to register other doors, I will give you a 20% discount. This way instead of just giving you a registration or two, you can continue to benefit for your efforts. What I need is good distributors all around the world, not just in one area. So if there is already a distributor in your area, I will not need another one. I will send all new releases and updates to you (for the time being), from there on its up to you, but I will keep you informed of all that is going on. REGISTERED KEYS are NOT to be distributed in ANY form. Only the DEMO versions are to be distributed. Also, if anyone inquires about ordering, refer them to the REGISTER.FRM file, or my BBS. NO ONE is permitted to take orders in lieu of BG Creations, doing this will provoke serious legal action. If after all this :) you still want to become a distribution site, then proceed in filling out the form and I will contact to for verification. Thanks,, Jimi Gue. _______________________________________________________________________________ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Distribution Site Registration Form | | | | | | Your Name : _________________________ Voice Phone : ___________ | | | | BBS Name : _________________________ BBS Phone : ___________ | | | | FidoNet Address (Required): _:____/___ Years In Operation : ____ | | | | Home Address : _______________________________ | | | | City : ___________________ State : ___ ZIP Code : __________ | | | | | | By signing this form, I agree to the above requirements, both stated | | | | and implied. I also agree to ensure the safety of the my registered | | | | key. | | | | | | | | Signature : ____________________________ | | (Just fill in if Netmailing) | | | | | | If I am verified by BG Creations to be an Authorized Distributor, My | | | | Door Choice Is _____________________. | | | | | | | | Mail This Doc To: | | | | BG Creations | | 3928 Riverside Drive | | Huntington, WV 25705-1744 | | | | Or Netmail To 1:262/40 | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________________________________________________________________________