VERSION HISTORY: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Version 1.00 ......... First release. 01/22/92 Version 1.10 ......... Corrected bug that prevented SysOp's running a BBS with no locked com port from using the door. Version 2.00 ......... Switched door writing code to DoorFrame. 02/20/92 Version 2.10 ......... Recompiled using newest door writing routines, added internal maintenance, and added new bulletins. 04-17-1992 Version 2.50 ......... Recompiled using the newest door rotuines, switched to an external maintenance program, added support for STANDARD or CUSTOM modes of play, new bulletins, door resets every Monday, added support to play the door locally with no crippling, screens updated, added alltime high score screen for the users to view. 07-02-1992 Version 2.60 ......... Recompiled using the newest door routines. Screen now redraws itself after a drop to dos or after chatting with the user. The 30 something line version of DOOR.SYS is now supported as well as the 52 line version. Added support for fossil drivers. Added support for double digit IRQ numbers when used. 12-04-92 Version 2.70 ......... Added support for COM 0-15, better support for Wildcat IM and PCBoard/M versions, sysop config options for local display toggling, sysop status line toggling, and keyboard timeout period, new top ten bulletin, no external maint required (now automatic), added better internal error controls, scores can now go as high as several TRILLION dollars. Added an option to let players play subsequent rounds if they have more plays left. Dropped support for CHAIN.TXT. 08-11-93 Version 2.70 ......... Messed up in the UPGRADE.DOC!! When upgrading v2.7 from 2.6 you have to add a line to your SYSOP.CFG file -- see the enclosed UPGRADE.DOC file. 09-01-93 Version 3.00 ......... - Updated routines to DoorFrameX v3.3 - Added make-up days. - Added last weeks high score and player name to the bulletins. - Added RIP detection. - Added InterBBS operability to the door! - Increased bulletins from Top 10 to Top 25. - Numerous other changes which require a completely new setup if you are using an older version. - July 23, 1995.