ÄÄÄÄ OFFICIAL RULES & REGULATIONS FOR LEAGUE 911 ÄÄÄÄ Welcome to Legend Of the Red Dragon inter-bbs, a whole new gaming experience for your users! This file simply points out the rules and regulations of the league. Any breaking of these rules may lead to being suspended or kicked out.. IGM'S NOT ALLOWED IN THIS LEAGUE: PLEASE read IGM.TXT for a list of approved and disapproved IGM's (so far).. SYSOP'S CAN PLAY TO: Sysop's will be allowed to play on their own bbs if they want to.. MAIL PACKET'S: Everything is sent/received with session passwording.. A must! Each bbs will run outbound once per night, send me their lnet packet then When we connect you'll get your packet. All Lnet mail is on Hold Status here. YOU MUST POLL IN FOR YOUR MAIL! Mail Will not be sent! I run it at midnight. I suggest you do the same. That way we'll trade Packets only once per day.. Works good this way. Exceptions will be made for Sysops on vacation, or HD crashes.. Any problems with the mail will be reported to the League Coordinator.. LORDNET REGISTRATION: Lordnet Must be Registered within 30 days. IGM REGISTRATION: You're in charge of your own IGM's. Dont have to be registered. BUGS: If you find a bug in Lordnet, netmail me and I'll forward it to J. Masters.. NEW VERSIONS: As new versions of Lord and Lordnet are released each bbs in the league will need to be upgraded.. When new versions of Lordnet are released you'll be Forwarded the New Version by the LC. RULES FOR PLAYER'S: Accusations of "cheating" must be done in private. A carbon copy of the message should be sent to the league Coordinator via netmail.. Sysop's should tell their users about this rule to keep all the cheating accusations to a minimum.. Profane Language will be kept to a MINIMUM. This means that I don't want all of those 4 letter words and stuff. The Sysop or LC of the league may choose to kick out any offenders at any time he/she feels is necessary.. All Lordnet sysop's must enforce these rules on their own BBS's or face being kicked out of the league.. RULES FOR SYSOP'S: This is a non-cheating league. Any bug use or other types of altering files, deleting files, changing the date, or any other method or device that is classified as cheating by the league coordinator is strictly prohibited.. All users who do any of the above must be reported to the league coordinator.. All sysop's must be using the same version of LORD and LNET as the league coordinator is using.. All systems must have the same user/forest fight settings as used by the league coordinator.. Lordnet automatically sends configuration updates but in the event one is not sent this rule still applies.. LORD/LORDNET SETTINGS: The current settings for the league are listed below. Make sure your settings match up with these.. User Fights: 10 Player/Forest Fights: 40 Days for Lost Attacks: 7 Okay, so that pretty much covers the rules, and settings part of the league.. Any problems in the league will be reported to the league coordinator.. Sysop's can send me netmail and player's can leave me a message on Stone Henge.. Have fun!! Alex Nordhus LC Stone Henge 1-(817) 752-3875 FidoNet 1:388/6