What was Darth Vader's real name? Anakin Skywalker What did the Emperor call the Endor Moon? The Sanctuary Moon What kind of armor did Boba Fett wear? Mandalore Battle Armor What run did the Millenium Falcon do in less than twelve parsecs? The Kessel Run What bay was the Millenium Falcon docked in on Tatooine during Star Wars? Docking Bay Ninety-Four Who did Jabba send to collect his money from Han in the Cantina? Greedo What space port did Luke, Ben, and the droids meet Han Solo in? Mos Eisley What captured C3P0 and R2D2 at the beginning of A New Hope? The Jawas Who flew the Death Star trench run alongside Luke Skywalker? Wedge and Biggs What is Wedge's last name? Antilles What hot-shot Alliance fighter pilot appeared throughout the trilogy? Wedge Antilles What TIE ship was introduced in The Empire Strikes Back? The TIE Bomber What TIE ship was introduced in Return of the Jedi? The TIE Interceptor What planet did Luke fly to to visit Yoda? Degobah What did Luke fight in Jabba's dungeon? The Rancor What are the pig-like gaurds defending Jabba's palace? Gammorrean Gaurds What is the name of Jabba's mini sidekick? Salacious Crumb What was Return of the Jedi originally called? Revenge of the Jedi What is the Emperor's 'full' name? Emperor Palpatine What did the Empire shoot throughout the galaxy in search of the Rebels? Imperial Probe Droids What was the name of Darth Vader's flagship? The Executor What kind of flagship did Darth Vader have? A Super Star Destroyer What was the type of ship Luke recieved his robotic hand in? A Nebulon-B Frigate Who was the leader of the Rebel Alliance during the Battle of Endor? Mon Mothma Who led the fleets of the Alliance during the Battle of Endor? Admiral Ackbar Who led the ground troops of the Alliance during the Battle of Endor? General Madine What spies provided the Rebels with the location of the second Death Star? Bothan spies What does TIE stand for? Twin Ion Engine What does AT-AT stand for? All Terrain Attack Transport What does AT-ST stand for? All Terrain Scout Transport What two Rebel starfighters were not seen until Return of the Jedi? The A-Wing and the B-Wing Who shot the power regulator on the north tower? Wedge Who shot the main reactor of the second Death Star? Lando Calrissian Which Admiral manned the Executor in Return of the Jedi? Admiral Piett Who died to give Captain Piett his title of Admiral? Admiral Ozzel Who led the ground attack against the Rebellion on Hoth? General Veers Who was the gunner in Wedge's snowspeeder on Hoth? Janson Who was the gunner in Luke's snowspeeder on Hoth? Dack Who flew as Rouge 2 on Hoth? Zev Who flew as Rouge 3 on Hoth? Wedge Who flew as Rouge 4 on Hoth? Hobbie What Cheers personality played Major Derlin in The Empire Strikes Back? Cliff Claven, real name John Ratzrnberger What General commanded the Rebel base on Hoth? General Rieekan What pilot found Han and Luke in the snowfields of Hoth? Zev What are the little technicians in Cloud City? Ugnaughts What Captain did Vader kill because he lost track of the Millenium Falcon? Captain Needa What planet is Cloud City on? Bespin What system is Bespin in? The Anoat System Which planet is Hoth in the Hoth System? The Sixth Planet What disabled a Star Destroyer orbiting Hoth? An Ion Cannon What group is Luke the leader of during the battle on Hoth? Rouge Group What almost ate the Millenium Falcon? A Space Slug What creatures were attached to the Millenium Falcon inside the asteroid? Mynocks What creatures did Luke and Han ride on Hoth? Tauntauns What creature captured Luke on Hoth? A Wampa Who flew alongside Lando on the second Death Star attack? Nien Nunb What was Ben Kenobi called? OB1 Kenobi What pit did Jabba attempt to throw Luke, Han and Chewbacca into? The Pit of Carkoon What was in the Pit of Carkoon? The Sarlacc Who killed Jabba the Hut? Princess Leia Who disguised himself as one of Jabba's gaurds? Lando Calrissian What was the name of Leia while disguised in Return of the Jedi? Boushh What language did Boushh speak? Ubese What language did Jabba the Hutt speak? Huttese Where did EV-9D9 work? In Jabba's Palace Who is Jabba the Hutt's chief lieutenant? Bib Fortuna Of what race is Bib Fortuna? Twi'lek What is Darth Vader's mysterious title in A New Hope? Dark Lord of the Sith What major war preceded A New Hope? The Clone Wars Of what race is Greedo? Rodian Of what race is Chewbacca? Wookie What planet is homeworld of the Wookies? Kashyyyk In what star system did the Alliance gather in during Return of the Jedi? Sullust Of what race is Nien Nunb? Sullustan What is the name of the reptilian bounty hunter in The Empire Strikes Back? Bossk Who were the five bounty-hunters assigned to capture the Millenium Falcon? Bossk, Zuckuss, Dengar, IG-88, and Boba Fett What is Princess Leia's last name? Leia Organa What source was Episode IV: A New Hope taken from? The Journal of the Whills What line does each Star Wars movie begin with? A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away... What kind of ship is Princess Leia captured on in A New Hope? Corellian Corvette or Rebel Blockade Runner What are the giant lizards that Storm Troopers ride on? Dewbacks What is the name of Luke's uncle? Owen Lars What is the name of Luke's aunt? Beru Lars What monstrosity did the Jawas use for transport? The Sandcrawler What was C-3PO's first job? Programming binary load lifters What creatures did the Sandpeople ride for transport? Banthas Where was Luke knocked unconcious by the Sandpeople? The Jundland Wastes What did Luke originally think his father's job was? A navigator on a spice freighter What planet did the Death Star destroy in A New Hope? Alderaan What is Princess Leia's home planet? Alderaan What planet was R2-D2's destination in A New Hope? Alderaan Who commanded and died with the first Death Star? Grand Moff Tarkin What was R2-D2's underlying mission in A New Hope? Deliver the Death Star plans to the Alliance What Super Star Destroyer crashed into the second Death Star? The Executor What are the odds of successfully navigating an asteroid field? Approximately 3720 to 1 What did Lando's mining colony mine? Tibanna gas Who did Han Solo get the Millenium Falcon from? Lando Calrissian What platform did the Millenium Falcon land on in Empire Strikes Back? Platform Three-Two-Seven What was the name of Boba Fett's ship? Slave I What was Han Solo encased in? Carbonite Which hand did Luke lose in battle against Darth Vader? His right hand Who did Luke call to for help underneath Cloud City? Ben Kenobi and Leia Who looks strong enough to pull the ears off a Gundark? Luke Skywalker What was the Hoth system supposed to be devoid of? Human forms What Code Clearance did ST 321 give? Code Clearance Blue Who oversaw production of the second Death Star? Moff Jerjerrod Who was Jabba's female dancer before being eaten by the Rancor? Oola What did Boushh threaten Jabba the Hutt with? A thermal detonator What captive did Boushh bring to Jabba the Hutt? Chewbacca What price did Jabba and Boushh agree upon for Chewbacca? 35,000 Who poked out C-3P0's eye on Jabba's Sail Barge? Salacious Crumb What rank did Han Solo have in The Empire Strikes Back? Captain What ranks did Hand Solo have in Return of the Jedi? Captain and General What rank did Luke Skywalker have in The Empire Strikes Back? Commander What did R2-D2 have concealed in his body on Jabba's Sail Barge? A lightsaber What kind of gaurds gaurd the Emporer? Royal Gaurds How old was Yoda when he died? 900 years old Whose ghost appears beside Ben's and Yoda's at the end of Episode VI? Anakin Skywalker's ghost What title did Leia's father hold? Senator What battle was Lando famous for before the Battle of Endor? The Battle of Taanab What shuttle did the Rebels fly to Endor on? Shuttle Tydirium What was Shuttle Tydirium's false cargo and destination? Parts and technical crew for the forest moon. Which switch jams comlinks on a speeder bike? Center switch What was the name of the first Ewok that Princess Leia met? Wicket What made Han Solo change his mind about staying at the Hoth base? The bounty hunter he ran into at Ord Mantell Which parts of the X-Wing would one 'lock into attack position'? The S-Foils Who is the commander of the Rebel forces in A New Hope? Commander Willard Where did Luke Skywalker shoot womp-rats on Tatooine? Beggar's Canyon What did Luke Skywalker shoot for target practive in Beggar's Canyon? Womp-rats What kind of ship did Luke fly in Beggar's Canyon? A T-16 Skyhopper Where did Leia tell Tarkin the Rebel Base was? Dantooine Which moon of Yavin was the Rebel base on? The fourth moon Which star did the Rebel base orbit in A New Hope? Yavin Where in the Death Star was Princess Leia imprisoned? Level 5, Detention Block AA23 Where did Luke say Chewie was being transferred from? Block 1138 How many forms of communication is Threepio fluent in? Six million Of what race is Admiral Ackbar? Mon Calamari How tall is Chewbacca? Eight feet What did Luke's father leave for him on Tatooine? A lightsaber Where did Luke offer to take Ben Kenobi on Tatooine? Anchorhead What kind of starships are the Mon Calamari famous for flying? Calamari Cruisers What actor played Luke Skywalker? Mark Hamill What actor played Princess Leia? Carrie Fisher What actor played Han Solo? Harrison Ford What actor played Lando Calrissian? Billy Dee Williams What actor played Chewbacca? Peter Mayhew What actor played C-3P0? Anthony Daniels What actor played the Emporer in Return of the Jedi? Ian McDiarmid What actor played Yoda? Frank Oz What actor played Darth Vader? David Prowse What actor did the voice for Darth Vader? James Earl Jones! What actor played Ben Kenobi? Alec Guinness What actor played R2-D2? Kenny Baker What actor played Admiral Piett? Kenneth Colley What actor played Grand Moff Tarkin? Peter Cushing What actor played Wedge Antilles? Dennis Lawson What actor played Boba Fett? Jeremy Bulloch