Release Notes: 10-10-95 09:09pm Changes made in this update are: a) Object tools added for copying objects into buffer, viewing objects in buffer and pasting objects from buffer into objects lists. b) Common menu now used for both "Edit" and "View" but edit functions greyed out for viewing. c) Some bug fixes. 10-07-95 06:11pm Changes made in this update are: a) Complete revamp of Object viewing interface. Groups, members, associates, source and target are now treated equally. b) Interface menu option now redundant and removed. c) Objects can now have aliases. When viewing an object, all aliases are also visible. (This concept is not fully developed) d) Searching for the common members of a list of objects added. e) Searching for the common gorups of a list of objects added. 09-11-95 09:12pm Changes made in this update are: a) Context filters is now removed. The ability to view the connections between two objects make this facility somewhat redundant. 08-30-95 08:09am Changes made in this update are: a) Search for Whats New? added. b) Search for Contributors added. c) Printing of selected objects in lists provided. d) When viewing search hits - description or multi-centric options now provided. 08-27-95 01:40pm Changes made in this update are: a) The handling of associate objects is revised to be more consistent with other dialog boxes. b) Several bugs related to printing removed. c) Help screens for dialog boxes now working. d) Link objects can now be renamed. 08-22-95 11:55pm Changes made in this update are: a) You can now select groups and member objects from more selection lists. b) Object names with links are now prefixed with a "+" in the Objects and interface dialog box. 08-17-95 09:04am Changes made in this update are: a) "Editors" are now defined for each model. Editors have the rights to edit the object descriptions of other contributors. Previously you can define "Readers" and "Contributors" for each model. This require the Model table to be updated. b) You can now select or view groups and members objects from the groups and members list. c) Fixed a bug in the Interface Dialog Screen that gives erroneous view. d) Object Names can now be renamed from the groups, members, source or target lists. 07-21-95 10:16pm Changes made in this update are: a) The table structures is changed once again (sic). The objectID is now reduced from 8 characters to 4 to reduce space and memory requirements. If you have created your own MCKS database, then run the utility provided to updated your table structure. b) Also fixes a few bugs introduced by the last update. 07-01-95 10:50pm Changes made in this update are: a) Shell to DOS menu option added b) When selecting multiple objects, the cursor will now not jump to the first item after you select an object. c) You can now include groups for each object when you import text files into MCKS. Check out the help screen for the format. d) The facility to pack the database tables is not provided. e) The facility to find the connections between any two objects in a model is now provided. You can define the number of levels for this search. f) When you search for an object name and the object name specified matches one of the objects, no further searches will be made. Otherwise, a sub-string search will be carried out. g) For selection of objects you can now select the hotlist object or from the objects in the hot lists to any sub-levels h) For selection of objects you can now select the master object or select from lists under the master object to any sub-levels. i) You can now find objects under any list based on the object name or object description. All objects in the hit list will be preceded with the character "$". j) The Groups, Relations and Interf tables are now combined into a single table - Links. k) An option is now provided under the system menu for MCKS utilities to be executed. 14-06-95 2:00pm Changes made in this update are: a) There is now a system object call Hot List - [User Name]. The Hotlist object and the hot list are now available when you require to select objects for various operations b) The master object list is also now available when you require to select objects for various operations. c) You can now import objects and text directly into the MCKS database. 05-27-95 10:20pm Changes made in this update are: a) Display messages are now included when the system is looking for information. Searching for groups and members objects is speeded up. b) Selecting interface object as the current object now work correctly. c) For the import of object list, the user can assign a group for the objects imported. d) The build date is now shown in the splash screen. e) Plus some minor bug fixes. This update will replace your mcks.dlm file and also the applic.db, applic.px and applic.mb files in the "cfg" sub-directory.