WRAITH Version 3.0 Robert J. Deutsch Role-playing/Adventure for DOS 1152 N. 14th St. Needs: DOS 5.0+; 486/25 or better; VGA; Allentown, PA Microsoft compatible mouse & driver; 18102 SoundCard supporting MIDI/MPU-401; (610) 434-0723 Hard Drive with 4 megs free Net: SZJH66C@prodigy.com Program by: Robert J. Deutsch ("Dr. Dungeon") RunFile: WRAITH.EXE Documentation: README.TXT (** Note: Run SETUP before anything else after installing the game. **) *** Welcome to Wraith! *** Wraith is a unique top-down view style rpg/adventure rendered in full 256 color display with mouse point and click control, and an incredible array of sounds and music throughout the quest. ************************************************************************** This SHAREWARE version allows you to play a large part of the quest, with more in store upon registration. If you can't wait, run the file PREVIEW from the prompt and get a sneak preview. You may register WRAITH for only $17 plus $3 for shipping and handling or a total of only $20 dollars. Send check or money order to: Robert J. Deutsch 1152 N. 14th St. Allentown, PA 18102 If you have a question or comment, don't be afraid to call the castle here at (610) 434-0723. If you get the answering machine, we'll get back to you. You could also e-mail me at the above net ID. Thank you for supporting the shareware concept. You could print and use the included ORDER.FRM if you like, or just write a quick note that you are registering WRAITH. Remember that your support is bound to lead to ever-better products from The Castle of The Mach Gryphon as Dr. Dungeon is usually in his lab. ************************************************************************** Trapped in a mysterious mountain cavern, your only companion is an erie wraith-like ghost who seems to know you. Taunting you into venturing ever deeper into the dungeon, with your memory mixed up by a powerful spell cast by an evil sorcerer, you will definitely have your hands full in this unusual new epic from The Castle of The Mach Gryphon. But the wraith may not be what she appears to be... *** Starting the Game *** Wraith uses a snappy mouse-controlled interface with a few keyboard hot keys. Before you begin play, after installing the game to your hard drive, the very first thing you should do is run SETUP from the C:\WRAITH directory. This will test your machine's compatability and allow you to select sound off/on, as well as other information. Then you can run WRAITH from the same prompt. You should first create your character. This is done by left-clicking on that option from the main menu you will see. The process is interesting and explained well as it unfolds. When done, you are ready to play. Select View Intro by clicking on that menu option. It sets the stage for the story. Then click New Game to begin. Remember to not click Continue Old Game until you have first SAVEd a game, explained in a moment. In future play sessions, you can skip the intro screens by tapping the ESC key a few times right after typing WRAITH. *** Playing the Game *** Playing Wraith is easy. Here is a brief summary of gameplay: MOVEMENT is accomplished by moving your mouse anywhere on the screen. It will become an arrow pointing in eight directions. Left clicking, or left clicking and holding will walk your character around the screen. If you prefer, you can also use the KEYPAD keys to move. Just be sure NUMLOCK is in the ON position. LOOKING is an important feature of Wraith, and accomplished simply by right-clicking anywhere on the screen or in your inventory. This will give you descriptions of everything in the game. Use it often. Some items have special stats. For example, you may see a Sword B8. This means that sword gives a strength bonus of 8 plus your natural strength value. The same applies for armor. Armor class is better if higher. Certain magical items may show something like M-5. This means using the item requires 5 mana, or magic points. All your stats will rise as you play, combat, and accomplish quests. They are displayed all the time. On level one you will find a scroll describing advancement. COMBAT is accomplished by default much like looking. If the mouse cursor is over a creature, you will attack with your currently armed weapon when you right-click on the monster. Unless it is a ranged weapon, you need to be aside a creature to attack. Magical weapons and items should be used directly from inventory. GETTING items you see on the ground is easy. As in real life, you must be next to the item to get it. A right-click will describe it. Left-clicking on the little hand icon with the ball will allow you to get the item providing there is room in your inventory. You click the icon which then turns green, then click an item on the ground nearby. USING things is important. The blank hand icon, when selected with a left click, will turn green (as they all do), and allow you to use almost anything you see. This includes doorways, torches, picking fruit from plants, as well as items in your inventory like your pocketwatch or bedroll. Some items, like fishing poles, are only usable in certain places, like near water. Filling buckets, etc., follows the same rule. Remember that again as in real life, you must be right next to the water, plant, etc., to use it. Using an item like a scroll is just as easy. To exit reading a scroll, simply left-click again. MOVING items around is easy. Simply left clic any item in your inventory and it will become the cursor. Move it anywhere else in inventory and left-click again to set it in the new location. This is also how you put on armor, helms, etc. You can also drop items this way on the ground, even stacking them on top of each other. Anything you move or drop will remain in place as long as you wish. When dropping, remember that you can only drop right next to yourself, in a logical area like the ground or a table. Little prompts appear every step of the way so it's easy to see where you are moving or dropping. In inventory, you can also switch objects simply by moving one on top of the other. This is useful when changing weapons and clothing. You'll see your stats change when you do this. TALKING is self-explanatory. You will know when you are in talk mode because the screen will change. The talking character appears in the upper left, with text to the right. Your character appears in the lower right, text options on the left. Simply left-click on any of the many choices you will see. We suggest to click them all as most of the talks are crucial to the game. The bottom line of each set of talk options is always some form of 'goodbye' to exit talk mode. Don't click it until you have talked the person out else you might miss clues. MAP is a little icon that lets you see an over-head view of your surroundings. This is very useful. To exit the map, left-click again or tap the ESC key. DISK is a little icon that allows you to save or load a game, exit the game, or resume the game if you click it by accident. Tap the proper letter on the keyboard when prompted. When prompted with save, load, or quit, answer Y or N for yes or no from the keyboard. HOTKEYS are handy and there are only a few you need. The major ones are your three speed controls, which allow for some optimization on machines of differing speeds, or if you wish to move slower or faster in different points of the game. You can use these anytime simply by tapping the key: F - Fast: Will move character as fast as your machine allows. S - Slow: This is the default speed and walks average. U - Ultra-Slow: Use this on a really fast machine to slow it down. Remember also that with your NUMLOCK on you can use the KEYPAD to move around if you do not wish to move with the mouse. We have worked hard to make Wraith an unforgettable quest and thus made the interface easy to use. We think the rich story will draw you in to the game and hope that you enjoy your visit. -Dr. Dungeon -In The Castle of -The Mach Gryphon