Latest edition of this file lives at Access to Insight BBS, (508) 433-5847. Also via WorldWideWeb ( and Internet e-mail ( Send corrections to: S I T T I N G / P R A C T I C E G R O U P S ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ USA -------------------------------------------------------------------- ARIZONA -------------------------------------------------------------------- Tucson ~~~~~~ Name: Tucson Community Meditation Center Voice#: (602) 327-1695 Lineage: Vipassana Description: Meets twice weekly. Retreats four times per year led by an invited teacher Updated: 5 June 94 Sources used: Howard Frant Name: Zen Desert Sangha Address: PO Box 42045 City: Tucson State: AZ Zip: 85733-2045 Country: USA Voice#: 602-622-2437 E-mail: Lineage: Zen Affiliation: Diamond Sangha (Robert Aitken-Roshi) Description: Regular sittings throughout the week; 3 sesshin per year with Pat Hawk-Roshi; monthly zazenkai; large library of books and tapes Updated: 15 June 95 Sources used: Richard J Laue [end]