Latest edition of this file lives at Access to Insight BBS, (508) 433-5847. Also via WorldWideWeb ( and Internet e-mail ( Send corrections to: S I T T I N G / P R A C T I C E G R O U P S ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ USA -------------------------------------------------------------------- MINNESOTA -------------------------------------------------------------------- Minneapolis: Twin Cities Vipassana Cooperative (TCVC) P.O. Box 14683 Minneapolis, MN 55414 Principal teacher: Shinzen Young Varied sitting schedule Frequent retreats--1,2,4 & 10 days CONTACTS: Paul Norr (newsletter, mail list) 2832 Coolidge St, N.E. Minneapolis, MN (612) 788-7159 Newsletter sent May & Sept. OR Hal Barron (outreach) 1911 S. 6th St. Minneapolis, MN (612) 332-2436 [Source: DSTL 3/94] [end]