Before you use the loan manager program, there are a few things you should be aware of. 1. This program is designed to be used every time you make a payment towards one of your loans. So every time you make a payment for a loan you should record it in your program before the month you payed for the loan expires. Reason why is the program accepts a payment for a loan and records that amount under the current date the program gets from the system clock. So if you pay for a loan in October and don't use your program to record it until November, it is too late : the program will record that payment for the month of November. 2. Loan Payment Manager will keep track of payments from now until the year 2006. If you have previously been paying for you loans, you must know the current balance (what is owed) the interest rate, the number of times you have payed for a loan (optional) and the next month and year you want to start paying for your loans. 3. Given your balance and other info., this program will begin keeping track of payments and keeping records for each loan. It cannot keep records of times you have paid before you started using this program. Therefore it is important to know all the information stated in num- ber 2. NOTE : Your system date must be set correctly on you computer in order for Loan Payment Manager to keep track of the months you have made payments towards your loans!!! If hope these three general rules have been easy for you to understand, if not you can e-mail me at, and I will be happy to answer any questions you might have about the program! Thank You!!