Miscenellous Cool stuff

Cool stuff

Almanac of Events.
The Asylum.
Beavis and Butt-Head.
The Berkley Subway .
The Best of WWW Contest.
The Capt. James T. Kirk Sing-a-ling Page.
Calvin and Hobbes.
Caption Competition.
Clinton Watch.
The Coffee Shop .
College humour.
Confession Booth.
Cool Word of the Day.

Cool Site of the Day

CyberSight .
Deep Thought of the Day.
Entertainment Links.
Folding a paper crane.
The Froggy Page.
Gateway to Darkness.
Gothic Tales.
Jack Handey.
The Holy Scroll of Sins.
How To Develop WWW pages.
How to legally avoid taxes.
How To Tell If Your Head's About To Blow Up.
IHTFP Online Hack Archive.
Infobahn_ .
Insults .
Intentional Community.
Internet Talk Radio.
Internet Underground.
The Kool-Aid* Fun Page.
Libertarian Web.
The lyrics to the Spiderman cartoon TV show.
The Magic 8-Bal.
Melrose Place Update.
MindVox .
MindVox (cool) Gopher connections .
Miscellaneous wonderous sites .
MIT Gallery of Hacks.
Monty Python - and now for something completely different .
MTV Oddities.
Neat Words .
Obituary Page.
The Official Unofficial O.J. Simpson Web Page.
Pickup Lines.
The Place .
Planet Earth Home Page.
Project Vote Smart.
The Ren & Stimpy Show: Episode Guide .
The Revolving Door.
Saturday Night Live FAQ.
SETI Institute (ETs).
Space Needle Cam.
Spider's Web .
Strawberry Pop-Tart Blow-Torches .
USC: LinksToLinks - Just For Fun.
Used Software Exchange.
Useless WWW Pages.
Vincent Voice Library at MSU.
The Virtual Pub .
What's Hot and Cool.
Wearable Wireless Webcam.
WEB Personals.
The Web Wanderer .
Weird, Wild, Wonderful Web Sites .
Welcome to MoonCity.
The Well - gopher .
What's Cool! .
Wonder Web .
WWW Fashion Page.
Steven Wright .
Yet Another Coffee Shop .
Zoom Street: A cyber cantina.