~15HAVE YOUR SHEET MUSIC COME ALIVE! :~00 Create original works or enter your favorite sheet music using the powerful features of ~11EZNOTE v2.0~00. Simply open the Edit Window, and place each note at the desired position on the staff. Complete the measure by adding rests, ties, or triplets. EZNOTE will group flagged notes and label chords automatically. You may even Import a MIDI file, and have EZNOTE score the tracks for you! When you are ready, print out a hard copy of your work. For playback, set the tempo and volume, and choose among 128 instruments for each staff. You may even add song lyrics or import them from a text file. Watch the lyrics scroll by for karaoke-style sing-alongs! ~15REGISTER NOW!!! CALL ME TOLL FREE AT 1-800-313-6070 : ~00If you find EZNOTE to be useful, please register for only ~15$29.95 US~00 (Canadian customers at par value). I will send you the full-blown ~15EZPNO v2.0 (Easy Piano)~00 complete with bound user manual and sample songs! EZPNO has all of the editing capability of EZNOTE, and features a Piano Tutor that will show you how to play your favorite songs on a zoomed 3-D piano! Sight-reading with MIDI keyboard too! And for just ~15$10~00 extra, I will send you my upcoming ~15EZNOTE for Windows~00. All registered customers are entitled to unlimited technical support and special prices on future products. Press ~15[Print]~00 to print the registration form ORDER.DOC