NOTE: This is beta software. Please don't run this program on machines that would get you in a lot of hot water if something goes wrong. Introduction ------------ Thank you for trying SendYes! SendYes! is a small utility that looks for the default close boxes that pop up whenever OS/2 is closing a DOS or OS/2 Windowed Text session. If it sees one being created, SendYes! automatically clicks the 'Yes' button for you. Background ---------- I wrote SendYes! because I hated having to sit and click the 'Yes' button during system shutdown to close all of my windowed text sessions that were open. It's very much a kludge and may or may not work on your system. At this point, there are no guarantees. See the file CHANGES.TXT for problems you may run into. Requirements ------------ SendYes! was written using the emx development system version 0.9a with the fifth series of fixes ( To run SendYes! you will need to have installed that level or greater of the emx runtime libraries. The required DLL's are not included here. You can find the required DLL's at SendYes! has only been tested on OS/2 Warp 3.0. It makes several assumptions as to the ID's of some of the built-in dialog boxes that OS/2 will show on the screen. If it works on earlier versions of OS/2, great. If it works on later versions of OS/2, great. If not, don't say I didn't tell you so. E-Mailware! ----------- SendYes! is E-Mailware. What that means is that you can do whatever you want with the program as long as you send me some E-Mail telling me how you liked it (or didn't like it). My E-Mail address is listed at the end of this document. Other than that, SendYes! is 100% free of charge. With that price, you also get something else...NO WARRANTY. Disclaimer (the non-legalese form): If there are bugs in SendYes! that totally destroy your computer (which I highly doubt there are), don't blame me. If you use this program, you are doing so at your own risk. Bug reporting ------------- If you do find a bug in SendYes! (which I'm sure there are plenty), please let me know. Due to the nature of the program, I cannot guarantee I can fix any problems, but it doesn't hurt to try. My E-Mail address is listed at the end of this document. Usage ----- The easiest way to run SendYes! is to create a program object for it, and put it in your Startup folder. If you aren't sure how to create a program object, consult your OS/2 documentation or the system tutorial. NOTE: You must put the file SENDDLL.DLL in a directory pointed to by the LIBPATH variable in your CONFIG.SYS file. NOTE: SendYes! gives no visual sign that it is running. If you want to see if things are working, try closing a text window, or see if the hash marks are showing behind the SendYes! icon. Technical stuff --------------- I've included the source code for SendYes!. By default, the source code is put in the directory SOURCE under the directory in which you unzipped SendYes!. Like I said before, SendYes! is a total kludge. A system hook is installed that is activated whenever a WM_FOCUSCHANGE message is sent to any application. SendYes! checks to see if the focus is being sent to the built-in dialog box that is displayed whenever a windowed text session is exited. If it is, SendYes! sends a BM_CLICK event to the 'Yes' button of that dialog, then goes back to sleep. The kludge is that SendYes! has to rely on the dialog box and the controls within it that pop up to have the same ID's every time it is invoked. These values should remain constant across a particular version of the OS, but there is no guarantee. There is even less of a guarantee that the values will remain constant across multiple versions of the OS. But hey, you've got the source, the ID's are stored in SENDDLL.C. Author Info ----------- To reach me and tell me what you think (and/or report a bug), send your E-Mail off to: Wes Santee Enjoy!