Changing the desktop icon spacing and cursor blinking rate in Windows 95 ... is as easy as pie: *** NOTE: BEFORE EDITING THE REGISTRY, MAKE SURE TO BACKUP THE WINDOWS 95 SYSTEM FILES: SYSTEM.DAT, SYSTEM.DA0, USER.DAT AND USER.DA0!!! BEST TO USE WINDOWS 95'S OWN BACKUP UTILITY: CHECK THE "BACKUP SYSTEM" FEATURE! 1. To change the cursor blinking rate to NON BLINKING: open the Registry (left click REGEDIT.EXE in Explorer, found in your Windows 95 folder, typicaly C:\WINDOWS), left click 'Edit', left click 'Find', type in the "Find what" box: CursorBlinkRate (found in the left column), change numeric value to "-1" and close Win95 registry. 2. To adjust (decrease) the vertical spacing between the desktop icons, open the Registry (left click REGEDIT.EXE in Explorer, found in your Windows 95 folder, typicaly C:\WINDOWS), left click 'Edit', left click 'Find', type in the "Find what" box: WindowMetrics look for "IconSpacingFactor" (found in the left column), change numeric value to "100" (or something that suits you: 900-16) and close Win95 registry. You will have to restart Win95 and "play" with changing this value until you find the perfect one for your desktop.