Windows 95 MSDOS.SYS command options I compiled this text file from the article "When Breaking Up is Hard to Do" by John Woram, in the 'Optimizing Windows' section of 'Windows Magazine', the July 1995 issue. To my knowledge it is the only source for the complete configuration of MSDOS.SYS file, found in the root directory of Windows 95 operating system. To edit the file, type (at a DOS prompt): ATTRIB -H -R -S C:\MSDOS.SYS Then open it with a text editor (MS-DOS's EDIT.COM does just fine) and make your own modifications, based on this excelent revue by John Woram. After you're done with the modifications, type again: ATTRIB +H +R +S C:\MSDOS.SYS I suggest the following DOS batch file, for people that want to try more than one startup configuration: @ATTRIB -H -R -S C:\MSDOS.SYS @EDIT C:\MSDOS.SYS @ATTRIB +H +R +S C:\MSDOS.SYS assuming that your bootup drive is drive C, and you have the directory C:\DOS (DOS 6.x users) or C:\WINDOWS\COMMAND (Windows 95 users) in your path, stated in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file. Some users prefer to dual-boot: keep the ol' DOS and install Win95 in a separate directory. That's when you have the choice, at bootup time, to boot in your new Win95 configuration, or chose to boot to your old version of DOS (and eventualy Windows 3.x, if you kept it on your hard disk). If you reboot with your old DOS version, MSDOS.SYS is renamed MSDOS.W40, so the appropriate batch file would be: @ATTRIB -H -R -S C:\MSDOS.W40 @EDIT C:\MSDOS.W40 @ATTRIB +H +R +S C:\MSDOS.W40 For more valuable information, go to keyword 'WINMAG' (AOL users) and read the entire article. It is excelent for Windows 95 users. You will also find many other interesting things in the WinMag area. [Options] * Default Nondefault ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BootDelay =2 Initial startup delay (seconds) % BootGUI =1 Automatic Windows 95 startup Start command prompt BootKeys =1 Startup keys F4, F5, F6, F8 enabled BootMenu =0 Hide startup menu (press F8 to display) Show startup menu + BootMenuDefault =1 Indicated menu option is highlighted @ BootMenuDelay =30 Delay (seconds) before running highlighted menu item (only if BootMenu=1): 1-99 BootMulti =1 Startup key F4 enabled F4 disabled + BootSafe =1 Safe mode startup available BootWarn =1 Display safe mode startup warning & menu BootWin =1 Enable Windows 95 as operating system Enable previous OS DblSpace =1 Load DBLSPACE.BIN (if present) DoubleBuffer =1 SCSI controller needs double-buffering DrvSpace =1 Load DRVSPACE.BIN (if present) LoadTop =1 Load COMMAND.COM or DRVSPACE.BIN at top of 640K memory Logo =1 Display animated logo as Windows 95 opens # Network =1 Networking enabled $ * Default action is taken if a line doesn't appear in the [Options] section. Except as noted, nondefault action is opposite to default. + If BootKeys=0, then BootMenu=1 and BootMulti=0 don't change default action. # Logo=0 may solve 3rd party memory management conflicts. $ Network=1 must be present or Safe Mode with network support doesn't appear as option 4 on Startup Menu. % Delay allows time to press the function key. Default is 0 if BootKeys=0. @ Menu option 3 is highlighted if a previous Windows 95 load failed. Look at the file MSDOS.SYS that I included in this archive. With that particular configuration (BootGUI=0, BootWin=1) you need to ADD a 'SHELL' line to your CONFIG.SYS file, to start your computer with Windows 95, DOS mode, without loading Windows 95 registry. Example of 'SHELL' line: SHELL=C:\COMMAND.COM C:\ /E:512 /P /F *** Very careful when editing your msdos.sys settings! Your system may HANG if you make any wrong changes! If you have any questions or suggestions, give me an e-mail 'call' at Enjoy!