Easy C Base (TM), Version 1.2 Copyright 1994,1995 by Samer F. Naser. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This version is a 32 Bit application that will only run under Windows 95, Windows NT 3.51, or Windows 3.1 with Win32s subsystem (with OLE ) version 1.3a or higher installed. This file contains the following topics: + New in this Version + Description + Installation New in this Version: * Fast access to any category of Basic Structural Units (BSUs) through a BSU Palette with Tabs for major categories. * The addition of BSUs for Silicone, phosphorous, and Pyridine. Enhancements and additions to existing BSUs. * Full support for OLE Linking and Embedding, including in-place activation, of Easy C Base structures in other documents. * Floating/Dockable Toolbar and BSU Palette. Description: Draw structures with simple mouse clicks on icons. Change bonds with mouse clicks on drawing. Use clipboard to copy the 2-D structures to other applications. Name the structures and save with them, text of up to 32000 characters. Use the clipboard to copy text to other applications. Search the directory containing the structure files using exact structure, a substructure, or fragments of a structure. Search the directory for a string that occurs in the structure's name or associated text. Combine the structure search with a string search. Search results display structure name and file name. Edit structures and text using the standard Windows Edit menu commands. The Molecular Formula and Weight are continuously updated as you draw or edit. Open multiple files. Shareware: $68 Installation: This version is a 32 Bit application that will only run under Windows 95, Windows NT 3.51, or Windows 3.1 with Win32s subsystem (with OLE ) version 1.3a or higher installed. The full version of Easy C Base ships with an automatic install/uninstall program to accommodate the three possible Operating Systems Easy C Base runs on. To reduce the size of this downloadable version, this installation program is not included. You will have to install Easy C base manually (its not that bad!). Read the procedure below. Files in this release: ECB.EXE ---> Easy C Base Windows executable file. ECB.HLP ---> Easy C Base Windows help file. README.TXT ---> This text file. *.ECB ---> Several sample Chemical Record Files. MFCANS32.DLL ---> May be required. MFCUIA32.DLL ---> May be required. ******* ***If after you follow the procedure below and run Easy C Base, you get a message about a missing MFCANS32.DLL or MFCUIA32.DLL, then you must copy these files to the “System” subdirectory of your “Windows” directory. For example, if your Windows is installed under C:\Windows, then you must copy MFCANS32.DLL and MFCUIA32.DLL to C:\Windows\System ******* Copy the files in this release to the directory where you want Easy C Base installed. For example, to install Easy C Base on drive C: in a directory called ECB, do the following: *In the Explorer (or File Manager), select drive C: then choose New Folder (or Create Directory) from the File menu. *Using the mouse, copy the files in this release to the directory you just created. To Create a Windows 95 Desktop shortcut, drag Ecb.exe from the Explorer to the Desktop. To add the Easy C Base icon to the Windows Program Manager: First: *Choose New from the File menu in the Program manager. *In the dialog box click on the New Group button, then click OK. *In the following dialog box, in the Description box, enter: Easy-C-Base, then click OK. *A Program Group is created. Second: *Choose New from the File menu in the Program Manager. *In the dialog box click on the New Item button, then click OK. *In the dialog box that follows: in the Description box, enter: Easy-C-Base, in the Command Line box, enter: C:\ECB\ECB.EXE, in the Working Directory box, enter: C:\ECB, then Click OK. *An Easy C Base icon is created. You may use different path names for the command line and working directories. If you wish to add Easy C Base to an existing Program Group, skip steps listed under First. Problems? Comments? Suggestions? Contact: Novel Advanced Systems Corporation P. O. Box 130304 Ann Arbor, MI 48113-0304 FAX:+(313) 487 0535 CompuServe 73543,3541, America Online snaser Email: snaser@aol.com or 73543.3541@compuserve.com