mIRC v3.6 documentation, Khaled Mardam-Bey 31/08/95 Welcome to mIRC v3.6, an IRC client for windows. This program is still under development and has not been fully tested. It contains bugs. Use at your own risk. Read the disclaimer! For those of you new to the internet, IRC stands for Internet Relay Chat. The IRC network is a virtual meeting place where people from all over the world can meet and talk. mIRC attempts to provide a user-friendly interface for use with the IRC network. It has the following features: Coloured text to ease reading. Uncluttered display. Comprehensive Alias definitions. Configurable multi-level popup menus. DCC Send/Get/Chat/Resume. Finger client. Remote CTCP tool. Simple Event handler. Some basic fonts. Ident server. Simple File-server. Command history. Function Key definitions. A handful of options. Many other useful bits and pieces. The various parts of this client have been designed with the aim of simplifying and speeding an IRC session. This client implements only a subset of all IRC2 commands. It was designed for users who do not require the sophistication of a full IRC2 client. That said, it does support, to various degrees, more than 50 commands, and also includes other mIRC-specific commands. This client does NOT support: scripts, and a large number of other things. To be able to use mIRC, you need several things: 1. Access to the internet. 2. Software for your machine that connects you to the internet. mIRC requires a WINSOCK.DLL, of which several versions are available. You will need this before you can use mIRC. The latest version of mIRC can always be downloaded by ftp from: ftp.demon.co.uk in /pub/ibmpc/winsock/apps/mirc How to Install mIRC: This package should contain the following files: mIRC.exe 16-bit version mIRC32.exe 32-bit version mIRC.hlp the helpfile mIRC.ini the optional ini file readme.txt this file versions.txt version history 1. Place the mIRC.exe or mIRC32.exe and mIRC.hlp files together in any directory. 2. The mIRC.ini file should be copied to your WINDOWS directory. It is not *necessary*, however it does provide important examples on how to configure various aspects of mIRC, and I would urge you to use it if this is the first time you are using mIRC. To use the 32-bit version you will need to have either Win32s installed on your system or you must be using a 32-bit operating system. Once you have installed mIRC, run it from windows, fill in the required setup information, and connect to the IRC server. For the latest information on bugs, solutions to problems, new releases, etc. please see the mIRC homepage at http://huizen.dds.nl/~mirc/index.htm before asking questions. For more information, please read the mIRC help file. Good luck and enjoy! -Khaled ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- mIRC v3.6 Windows IRC Client Copyright (c) 1995 Khaled Mardam-Bey. All rights reserved. mIRC v3.6 is provided "AS IS" without warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. In no event shall Khaled mardam-Bey be liable for any damages whatsoever including direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, loss of business profits or special damages, even if Khaled Mardam-Bey has been advised of the possibility of such damages. The mIRC executables, help file and related text files may be distributed together freely in an unmodified form and may be used without fee by any individual for non-commercial use. mIRC may not be distributed as a part of any commercial package or used in support of a commercial service. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------