PolyView Version 2.16 by Polybytes. PolyView is a shareware BMP, GIF, JPEG, photo-cd, PNG, and TIFF graphics viewer and file conversion utility for Windows NT and Windows 95. PolyView is authored and copyrighted by: PolyBytes 3427 Bever Avenue S.E. Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52403 e-mail polybytes@kagi.com ============= INSTALLATION: ============= Copy polyview.exe and polyview.hlp to the directory of your choice. ============== RELEASE NOTES: ============== Version 2.16 Add: PNG file viewing. Correct: Image sizing now correct for side positioning of toolbar. Version 2.15 Correct: Fixed a bug which prevented the file-open dialog from working correctly. Version 2.14 Add: File saving to 8 bit RLE bitmap format. File saving to 16 bit bitmap format. Multiple file selection from file open dialog. Saving user entered comments to JPEG files. Implementation of a registration key system to provide certain features only to registered users. Note that ALL features of PolyView which were available prior to this change are still fully functional. Version 2.13 Correct: Implemented command line parsing to handle file dragged from Explorer to PolyView shortcut. Corrected behavior when one or more slideshow scripts are dragged and dropped on PolyView. Version 2.12 Add: Display of filenames during full screen modes. Version 2.11 Add: File:Image Properties command. Image context menus from right mouse button. Correct: File handle release error on JPEG files. Version 2.10 Add: Support for 1, 4, 16, and 32 bit BMP files, including 4 and 8 bit RLE. Copy and Paste of bitmaps to and from the Windows clipboard Scripted slide shows Background operation of image manipulation of file saving activities. Version 2.00 This version adds file saving and conversion capabilities and thus no longer uses the image configuration files created by previous versions. All the .PVI files created by PolyView can be safely deleted.