Licensing terms for the ClusterView shareware application --------------------------------------------------------- If you appreciate using this software package, you can register it. For more information, you are invited to read the ORDER.TXT file. The program files and the associated documentation (e.g. this documentation) are copyrighted by the author. The copyright owner hereby licenses you to use the software given these restrictions: - The program shall be supplied in its original, unmodified form, which includes its documentation. - For-profit use without a license is prohibited. - The program may not be included - or bundled - with other goods or services. Exception may be granted upon written request only. - No fee is charged. An exception is granted for not-for-profit user groups, which are permitted to charge a small fee (under $5) for materials, handling, postage and general costs. No other organization is permitted to charge any amount for distribution of copies of the software or documentation, or to include copies of the software or documentation with sales of their own products. However, registered users get the right to use freely the application. Licensing terms for the shareware version of the Power Engines -------------------------------------------------------------- If you appreciate using this software package, you can register it. For more information, you are invited to read the ORDER.TXT file. The program files and the associated documentation (e.g. this documentation) are copyrighted by the author. The copyright owner hereby licenses you to use the software given these restrictions: - The program shall be supplied in its original, unmodified form, which includes its documentation. - For-profit use without a license is prohibited. - The program may not be included - or bundled - with other goods or services. Exception may be granted upon written request only. - No fee is charged. An exception is granted for not-for-profit user groups, which are permitted to charge a small fee (under $5) for materials, handling, postage and general costs. No other organization is permitted to charge any amount for distribution of copies of the software or documentation, or to include copies of the software or documentation with sales of their own products. However, registered users get the right to build any application with the Power Engine and to distribute it with no other restriction than the following notice in the copyright message(s) of the application: Portions Copyright (C) 1992-95 - Yves Roumazeilles. If you are interested in getting the full source code of the package, you are invited to contact the author. AGrep Search Engine is copyrighted 1992-93-94 by Yves Roumazeilles. RGrep Search Engine is copyrighted 1992-93 by Yves Roumazeilles. BitList Engine is copyrighted 1993-94 by Yves Roumazeilles. All other product names are registered trademarks of their respective owners. Payement should be made in cash or checks. Checks payable in French Francs or US dollars are strongly prefered. Credit cards are not currently acceptable. But some of our agents may accept them. Look into the help file in order to get the updated data about registration sites.