Thanks for trying PopCal 6.0! This latest version will remember it's position on screen. If you move PopCal to another location and click on EXIT, PopCal's position will be remembered. Double-clicking on a date will COPY that date into into the Windows clipboard. Minimizing PopCal will display the PopCal icon with a running digital clock. Find any date between the years 1753 and 2077 - just click on the month/year scrollbars! Click on "Today" to return to today's date. You may configure PopCal's colors by clicking on Colors". Start the Windows "starfield" screensaver instantly by clicking on "Scrn." Hope you find PopCal useful. Nat Johnson CompuServe 73707,1166 All Rights Reserved (FreeWare but NOT Public Domain) (c)1993-1995 Nathaniel S. Johnson)