"The CO said it would be a piece of cake! Sure, tell that to the @%#$ Iraqis!" Your company is charged with the mission of securing this sector of the berms and hold it until the oncoming units of Bear's "Hail Mary" push, arrive to pass thru you. The line of advance will be through the center fort and due north from there. You must occupy as many bunkers as possible along the line of advance. You will have the services of two Apache Assault Heli- Copters. "Which the CO wants returned in ONE PIECE each!" Use the Apaches to stand-off and destroy Iraqi armor and any dug in infantry! Your M1A1s and M2s should provide the punch needed to assualt and overrun the Iraqi positions. Since your orders are to secure and hold you had best be sure to take out any located armor and infantry! You should expect to meet elements of several Iraqi divisions, with possibly some mechanized reinforce -ments arriving as you try to hold. The scenario lasts for 50 turns.