CAL.VBX is shareware.. If you find this VBX useful a small fee of $10 is requested. $25 will also get you the source code. Send Check or Money order to: Brad Guttilla 4718 Hummingbird Dr. Waldorf MD 20603 Comments or suggestions can be sent to me at CompuServe 73051,1761 or or CAL.VBX was writen in MSVC to fill a large hole I find in most of my VB applications. I am continually having to write some type of calender routine to set dates. This routine gives me that capability without rewritting the code. CAL.VBX Properties Caption --- Does nothing... CalDay Day of the month selected CalMonth Month Selected CalYear Year-1900 selected CalDte String date in the Format dd Mmmm YYYY. Use Format$ to change to the type needed. Controls: Click on any day to change the date. -> increment the month by one <- decrement the month by one << decrement the year by one >> increment the year by one "Today" will reset the calender to the present system date. The current day will be highlighted. Depending on the size the font may need to be changed. EVENTS The only events recognized are the Drag events and the Click event. The click could be handy if you want to tie the CAL.VBX to only one item. To put a formatted date string into "Text1.TEXT" add the following code: Add a Text control to form 1. Add CAL.VBX to form 1. In the Cal1_click event put the code Cal1_click text1.text=Format$(Cal1.CalDte,"Long Date") end