************ VB Servants 3.0 for Microsoft Visual Basic 3.0 **************** ******************* Unregistered Shareware Version ************************ 1. This program may be freely copied as long as all the following original files are included in one directory or zip file: file_id.diz vbs3shr.exe vbs3shr.hlp vbsrvnts.ini ausorder.txt readme.txt register.txt usorder.txt vendor.txt threed.vbx 2. This program also requires vbrun300.dll, commdlg.dll, and cmdialog.vbx installed in order to run. If you have Visual Basic 3.0 you will have these files. 3.Place the file "threed.vbx" in your Windows\system directory. 4.You are hereby granted a license to use this shareware version of VB Servants 3.0 for an evaluation period of 30 days. If you continue to use this program beyond the 30 day trial period you are legally and morally bound to register it. 5. If you have any questions or comments regarding VB Servants 3.0 please direct them to: Ian Barnes Learning Freedom 10 Birdwood Ave Springwood 2777 NSW Australia Phone: +61-47-54-3266 Fax: +61-47-51-5946 Email: ianbarns@zeta.org.au 6. VB Servants 3.0 is dedicated to the Suffering Servant: "All we like sheep have gone astray; We have turned everyone to his own way; and the LORD has laid on Him the iniquity of us all." Isaiah 53:6