belSoft Shareware Catalog August 1, 1995 BuildHPJ Files: BLDHPJ10.ZIP, BLDHPJ20.ZIP Help Project File Builder is a programmer's tool for specifying and editing the entries of an HPJ file. A tabular interface allows working in each section of the HPJ file. Dialog boxes are provided for specifying macros, window placement, etc. Version 2.0 has a redesigned interface allowing more customization and editing capabilities. PMPath Files: PMPATH.ZIP PMPath will search each program item in every program group of Program Manager for a specified path contained within the Command Line, the Working Directory, or the Icon File entries. It will then replace that path with a specified replacement. Extremely useful when you reorganize your hard drive and have lots of entries to change. RmTemp Files: RMTEMP10.ZIP, RMTEMP15.ZIP RmTemp is a utility that will clean out the Windows temporary directory. Temporary files only or all files in the temporary directory can be listed. The number of files listed and the amount of disk space they take up is reported. Files can be viewed before removal. Version 1.5 adds an automatic mode. SecurePM Files: SECPM10.ZIP SecurePM modifies the [Restrictions] section of the Program Manager's ini file. The various options can be changed, or the entire section can be removed. StatBar Files: STATBR10.ZIP, STATBRAD.ZIP Status Bar is a simple program to display the status of the System, GDI, and User resources in Windows. It also displays the amount of memory used, the amount of C: disk space used, and the time/date. The displays show both the amount in percentage and in a bar graph style. Status Bar can be customized to a limited extent. It was meant to use a very limited amount of system resources. Status Bar II is a more customizable program which can monitor all of the resources that Stat Bar can, but the resources can be turned on or off, and the order in which they are displayed can be changed. The key states (Num Lock, Cap Lock, and Scroll Lock) can also be monitored. The number of disk monitors can be increased, and the disk to monitored can be specified. STATBRAD.ZIP includes other VBX's for a supporting program to customize StatBar's ini files. WINexpand Files: WEXPND10.ZIP, WEXPND12.ZIP WINexpand is a utility that will expand files that have been compressed with the Windows compress program. All of the files in a directory or individually selected files can be expanded. Files with common extensions are automatically renamed. Compressed files can be deleted after expanded. Version 1.2 corrects bugs and utilizes system colors. Touchy Feely Files: TOUCHY10.ZIP, TOUCHY12.ZIP Touchy Feely allows users to change the modification date and time of files to any specified value. All of the files or selected files in a directory can be modified. Version 1.2 corrects bugs and utilizes system colors.