Financial Freedom Cards & Labels Installation: Run FFCL2.EXE from the Windows Program Manager using the "FILE - RUN" menu option. From Windows 95, click on the START button and choose run. You will then be prompted to select the drive and directory name for the files to be copied into. When the installation is almost complete, you will be asked if you want to add the files to your program manager. This will create a Program Group to place the icons into. Select the default "FF Cards and Labels" group to create a new program group, or select an existing group for the icons. The install program will add the icons and then give you an "installation complete" message. To start the program, simply click on the Cards & Labels icon. For more information contact: M & R Technologies, Inc. P. O. Box 061298 Palm Bay, Fl. 32906-1298 USA Phone: (407) 951-2268 Email and Internet addresses: WWW Home Page: CompuServe: 72103,505 America Online: MRTecInc Internet: Windows 95 (MSN) go MRTECH