Magnum "Frequently Asked Questions" by New Sysops Q. I have the system running fine, but I've decided to change the file (and/or message) areas available to my users. I've changed these in my STARTUP.x file(s), but my users are still stuck with the old settings! What am I doing wrong? A. The STARTUP.x file(s) is where Magnum gets its NEW USER defualts [actually it gets it from the MBBSINIT.x files which are the compiled version of the STARTUP.x files]. Any user already in the user database will be unaffected by any changes made to file or message areas in your STARTUP.x file(s). To change these areas for existing users, you can either do it manually from within the sysop menu (user database area), or write a .MEX program to perform bulk updates for your existing users. Q. I bought the 3-node version about a year ago. I now need more nodes. Do I have to purchase a whole new Magnum package? A. No. Our policy for upgrading to a higher-node configuration has always been the difference in CURRENT price between the configuration you have and the configuration you wish to upgrade to, plus shipping/handling. In other words, if the current price for the 3-node configuration is $175, and you upgrade to the 5-node configuration ($300), the difference is $125 plus shipping/handling. Even if you paid $100 or $500 for the 3-node configuration at the time you purchased it, the price difference is always the difference in current pricing. An upgrade gets you the same serial# as that which you already have (ie: you will be unable to network your previous and new configurations together to get even more nodes). If you wish to network the two configurations together, then a new purchase would be required in order to get a new serial#. [ NOTE: sales tax added to California destinations! ] The upgrade (price difference) does NOT include a new user manual!! The manual is identical for all configurations; however, if a new release comes out (hence, a new user manual), it can be purchased separately (usually $35). The user manuals are included on diskette should you desire to print your own and save the purchase price of a new manual! Q. I'd like to be able to move files from one directory to another. I've tried this with a .MEX program but no go! A. .MEX programs merely manipulate the fields (data) within the databases. They do nothing outside of the databases (ie: moving files, etc). However, this is such a popular request that it has been incorporated into Magnum v7.00. Q. I've just finished installing the BBS. However, when I start it I get the message "MBBS.ACE not found". What am I doing wrong? A. The file MBBS.ACE does not exist until YOU create it. It is not necessary for BBS operation. When your databases become larger and you write .MEX programs or need to execute other programs at certain times for maintenance purposes, the MBBS.ACE file would tell Magnum when to execute these programs (day, time). The MBBS.ACE file is basically a file of 'events' to happen on certain days and times. Q. I just set up my system and logged on as the sysop (/0) for the first time. I've run out of time (ie: 30 minutes) and can't get back on! A. When you first log on as Sysop, the first thing you should do is go into the sysop menu, user database area - your record will then be displayed. Change the daily_time and time_remaining fields to something more appropriate for you (ie: 180). Q. When a caller logs off, my modem still stays online and won't drop the connection! A. Make sure you have the &D2 or &D3 command somewhere within your modem init strings in the startup file for that modem. Q. I've tried the TEST mode of MBBS.EXE, but when a caller calls, nothing happens! A. TEST mode is merely to show what your modem is returning when a call comes in, it does not start a session, and the rest of the BBS is frozen (except for those already online at the time you enter test mode) to other calls. Q. My girlfriend is complaining that I'm spending too much time with the Magnum BBS system! A. Get a new girlfriend. Q. I'm running OS/2 2.0. I'd like to be able to run some of the DOS door programs out there, but it doesn't work! A. As of this writing, you can run DOS doors with the combination of Magnum v7.00, OS/2 2.1, and a 3rd-party driver (MAGFOSS.ZIP) that you can download from our BBS. Q. I have the 2-node (1 dialup + console) configuration of Magnum. Is there any way I can have node 2 (my console node) converted to a dialup (modem) node? A. The highest node of Magnum in any configuration (node 2 in the 2-node configuration, node 17 in the 17-node configuration, etc) is only a console node, regardless of what you put for the DEVICENAME parm in that startup file. It is internally treated very differently than a modem node, although it appears identical in its presentation on the screen. Q. I'd like to set up 4 dial-in lines for the BBS. How do I set it up such that I only give out one phone number to my users, and have a caller automatically routed to node 2, node 3, node 4 in the event the previous nodes are busy? A. This is not something you can do on your own. This is something you must arrange with the telephone company. If you already have the 4 telephone lines, tell them you want them on a "rotary" (also known as a "hunt group"). Tell them the 1st number you want on the rotary, and the next 3 in the order you want them routed to. Q. Do you plan on coming out with a 32-bit version of Magnum? A. This was our original intention. However, until we see where Microsoft's "NT" is going, we will not release a 32-bit version. NT will supposedly run any 16-bit OS/2 text-mode application but as of this writing (NT in its infancy) Magnum does not run under NT. Additionally, a 32-bit version of Magnum (as a text app) will not provide any speed-gain advantages. We are NOT ruling out a 32-bit version, we're just saying its not feasible at this time. Q. I've just set up the demo and I want to buy the commercial version. Do I lose the users in my user database, the files in the file database, and the messages in the message database when I install the commercial version over the demo? A. No. The commercial version comes with an intelligent installation program which will convert your demo databases to the commercial format. Q. I need to set up the BBS as a CLOSED system. But how do I get my users into the system? A. Configure all dialup nodes as a CLOSED BBS. Configure your console node as an OPEN BBS. You must log on "as though you are the new user" via the console node. Once you've completed the new user logon procedure for that user, they'll be able to call in on one of the dialup nodes. You will need to convey to them (via telephone, fax, letter, whatever), their ID and password.