CLICKER! Beta Version 0.01 Written by: Peter Sparago Clicker! is an OS/2 Presentation Manager Game. It was originally written to teach my (then) 2 year old how to master the mouse. I had not really planned on distributing it, but my friends' children started to ask for it when they came to visit, so I thought I would share it. I have lots of plans (and not much time) for modifications to this game. It is in rough form now, and I wanted to get some feedback before I continue. Please let me know what you think of this game. Also, if anybody can help with information on animation techinques, please let me know. The Sesame Street character bitmaps were done by my wife, Marion. We don't know what copyright laws apply (if any). Anyone with information please let us know. I hope your kids enjoy it! Thanks in advance for your interest (Hey, This just might be the very first OS/2 PM kiddie game!) PLEASE: DO NOT COPY THE SESAME STREET CHARACTER BITMAPS!