55 files found in Library "OS/2 Programming"

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Name Extracted Size Date Description
ALPHAL.ZIP Yes 132663 7/28/1992 Alpha version 1.5 OS/2 source code browser
ATCCNR.ZIP Yes 45175 10/12/1993
Air Traffic Control Container, a very simple
ATC radar simulator whose main purpose is to
provide an interesting example of OS/2 PM
Container programming.
BP7-OS2.ZIP Yes 113170 11/11/1993
Patches the Borland Pascal 7.0 compiler,
units and runtime library, allowing you to
write 16-bit OS/2 programs for native OS/2
text modes and even Presentation Manager!
Imported from Germany
BYEXAMPL.ZIP Yes 6693 5/4/1993
Container control source from Spring 93 OS/2
Developer Magazine (PDn: OS/2)
CAWF407.ZIP Yes 162664 12/31/1993 Nroff-like text formatter awf, & C source
CENVI22.ZIP Yes 226260 10/14/1993
CEnvi v1.005; Cmm (C minus minus) is 'C' for
the rest of us. CEnvi runs Cmm programs in
the DOS, Windows, OS/2, NT, Unix, etc...
environments. Together, CEnvi and Cmm make
the power and flexibility of the C
programming language part of every computer
user's environment, without the hardware,
time, and programmer resources needed for
developing full-blown C programs.
CLOCK201.ZIP Yes 124598 10/13/1993 PM Clock 2.01 with 32-bit GNU C++ source
COMPR412.ZIP Yes 57597 7/18/1992 C Source Code For OS/2 Compress
CTRLDES.ZIP Yes 22401 5/4/1993
Custom control source from Spring '93 OS/2
Developer Magazine
CVS13P7B.ZIP Yes 386815 1/19/1994 Concurrent Version System revision control
CVSDOS2B.ZIP Yes 286288 12/3/1993 CVS 1.3p3, revision control system
DSN3IA.ZIP Yes 48416 12/15/1993 PSP Developer Support News, ASCII, Dec 93
DSN3II.ZIP Yes 92334 12/22/1993 Developer Support News
DSN4AA.ZIP Yes 89710 1/17/1994 Developer support news 1994 issue 1
ELVB18S2.ZIP Yes 315070 11/30/1993 Elvis 1.8c, vi clone, source & *roff docs
FAMAPI.ZIP Yes 288250 7/28/1993
UnOfficial reverse-ported source to 16-bit
Family API calls for Borland C++ 3.x. OS/2
FORTH038.ZIP Yes 82514 1/20/1994
Forth/2; 32-bit, native Forth for OS/2 2.x
Created specifically for OS/2 using MASM 6.0
Currently it is a text-mode application which
can be run either in a full screen or in a
window. It presently does not conform to any
single Forth standard. Most of the major
Forth functions are included.
GCCDOC1.ZIP Yes 323566 5/22/1992 Documentation for GCC OS/2 C compiler. GNU.
GCCDOC2.ZIP Yes 242900 5/22/1992 Documentation for GCC OS/2 C compiler. GNU.
GCCFAT1.ZIP Yes 447366 6/22/1992 GNU C compiler for OS/2 disk 1.
GCCFAT2.ZIP Yes 446320 6/21/1992 GNU C compiler for OS/2 disk 2.
GCCFAT3.ZIP Yes 446320 6/21/1992 GNU C compiler for OS/2 disk 3.
GCCFAT4.ZIP Yes 446320 6/21/1992 GNU C compiler for OS/2 disk 4.
GCCFAT5.ZIP Yes 402208 6/21/1992 GNU C compiler for OS/2 disk 5.
GCCFAT6.ZIP Yes 446314 6/21/1992 GNU C compiler for OS/2 disk 6.
GCPBUT.ZIP Yes 44112 11/29/1993 GCP Button Bar Symbol Font v3.1 Adobe Type 1
GGAME.ZIP Yes 173754 12/17/1993 Generic Game Interface - Source included
GMD_OS2.ZIP Yes 1108792 7/26/1993
This is a port of the powerful compiler
toolbox Cocktail written by Josef Grosch
HRTIMER.ZIP Yes 22409 5/31/1992 High Res timer as device driver, & source
ICON810.ZIP Yes 528633 5/31/1993
Icon programming language version 8.10 for
OS/2 2.x. Icon is a high-level programming
language with extensive facilities for
processing strings and structures.
IPLPAU.ZIP Yes 10422 11/1/1993 IPL Pause, small timer program & C source
MIDIDLL.ZIP Yes 126240 1/2/1994
A DLL that you can use with your app to
simplify reading/writing MIDI (sequenced
music) files. Includes C source and docs.
MINCOM15.ZIP Yes 105712 11/14/1993 C source for MiniCom 15 Telix clone, Free
MKLAPI10.ZIP Yes 98422 5/4/1993
Application Programming Interface for
C-language and BASIC v1.0
MONTE.ZIP Yes 19310 3/5/1993
Multithreaded OS/2 code examples shown at
Phoenix conference. [RM: OS/2 32 bit
programming utils/sources]
OS2DCTRL.ZIP Yes 35689 2/2/1993
This file demonstrates how to create a custom
control in OS/2 2.0. It was written in
conjunction with an article on the Winter '93
edition of the OS/2 Developer magazine.
OSGRAPHC.ZIP Yes 104124 10/28/1993 Scientific Graphic Library Version 0.2
PFAQ221.ZIP Yes 78373 12/3/1993 Programmers Frequently Asked OS/2 Questions
PILOT.ZIP Yes 55520 8/18/1993
This package contains a pilot interpreter
ported to OS/2
PORTIO2.ZIP Yes 80767 7/11/1993
PORTIO for OS/2; Allow port access under OS/2
2.X, this code has been ported over to BCOS2.
PP001.ZIP Yes 33398 4/22/1993
Power Pascal - Version 0.001 A Pascal
compiler for OS/2 2.0 full screen. Very
crude, and simple. Source included. Requires:
OS/2 2.0, MASM 6.0 (not 6.1), Turbo Pascal
PRINTQ12.ZIP Yes 138930 8/19/1993
PrintQ - Print Library for OS/2 Presentation
Manager Programs
PVQUAN16.ZIP Yes 113290 12/1/1992
PVQUANT v1.60 Color Quantisation Utilities
for the Persistence of Vision Raytracer
SALOMO.ZIP Yes 9551 5/17/1993 OS/2 memory suballocation routines.
SHWDLL.ZIP Yes 23045 6/6/1992 Lists DLL's Called From OS/2 EXE Or DLL File
SOMBRS.ZIP Yes 100880 1/1/1994
SOMBrowse Prototype; prototype of an
application under development, and as such
may still have bugs.
TE265OS2.ZIP Yes 93906 3/27/1993 Fast General-Purpose Source Code Editor
THESRC15.ZIP Yes 318458 12/8/1993 THE 1.5: CMS/XEDIT lookalike editor, source
TRAC_099.ZIP Yes 88708 1/14/1993
Tracker V .99: software development tracking
system. Monitor resources and task. Print
status reports, assignment list, and more.
TSTDEV.ZIP Yes 22212 12/6/1993 C Source code to test devices
WPFLD18.ZIP Yes 38808 12/28/1993 A replacement WPS class for WPFolder
WPNEWF.ZIP Yes 55340 11/20/1993 Replacement for the WPFolder WPS class
WPPRG18.ZIP Yes 42976 12/28/1993 A replacement WPS class for WPProgram
ZIP201.ZIP Yes 245887 9/22/1993
Zip is a compression and file packaging
utility for Unix, Windows NT, Minix, Atari
and Macintosh. This is the Source Code
ZOCDEV.ZIP Yes 50944 12/17/1993
Zap-O-Com Terminal Communications Developer's
Information Kit