Color.CMD, version 1.3 Written by Jack Tan Color.CMD is a REXX script which sets the screen colors. Type COLOR at the command line for help. I developed Color to set my screen colors for windowed OS/2 sessions, since the default color scheme was virtually unreadable with my current video setup. Color works with both windowed OS/2 and full-screen OS/2 sessions. The supported foreground colors in Color are: BLACK GRAY (GREY) MEDBLUE GREEN BLUE PURPLE (MAGENTA) LIGHTBLUE LIGHTGREEN RED LIGHTRED PINK CYAN WHITE (BRIGHTWHITE/LIGHTWHITE) YELLOW If the foreground colors are prefixed by the word BLINK (e.g., BLINKRED or BLINKMEDBLUE), the letters will blink in a full-screen session. In a windowed session, the colors may turn light (e.g., BLINKRED turns into a bright red). The supported background colors are: BLACK GRAY (GREY) RED GREEN BLUE PURPLE (MAGENTA) CYAN BROWN WHITE (adds the BLINK- prefix on foreground color) There are three basic forms of syntax: [1] Color.CMD [[ON] ] [2] Color.CMD ON [3] Color.CMD