66 files found in Library "OS/2 REXX"

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Name Extracted Size Date Description
21UPRT41.ZIP Yes 90185 1/24/1994
21UPRT v4.1; REXX PM program to print 2UP in
landscape mode or 1UP in portrait mode on
laser printers using PPDS, HPLJ or PostScript
commands. Will number lines or support ANSI
control characters. Suppresses multiple blank
lines and page ejects. Supports A4 (European)
paper size.
ATRGF21.ZIP Yes 40164 9/20/1993
ATRGF.CMD allows for executing full-screen
programs as each program will be started in
its own session
BACK2FT2.ZIP Yes 14483 2/6/1993
Modified version of Ralf Hauser's REXX CMD
file utility for backing up OS/2 HPFS drives
with a DOS based tape drive. Contains
original and updated versions.
BOOTDISK.ZIP Yes 7260 5/23/1992
A safer CMD file for creating an OS/2 boot
CHCKDMNS.ZIP Yes 1700 10/28/1993
CHECK_DEAMONS.CMD; This program will monitor
the deamons it knows about, every
minutes (you define the intervals,
default=2), restarting them, if they are not
active, and terminating them if there are too
many copies of it active.
CLASSEDI.ZIP Yes 282992 10/3/1993
Classedi v1.01; Watcom VX-Rexx v 1.01 patch
level A Tool for adding/destroying SOM classes
CMDLINE.ZIP Yes 18254 2/9/1994
CmdLine is a pair of REXX library functions
wrote to implement the OS/2 command line
features in REXX.
COLOR.ZIP Yes 4107 8/24/1993
Color.CMD v1.3; REXX script which sets the
screen colors.
CPICTE.ZIP Yes 22956 6/3/1992
Contains a pair of sample programs written in
rexx which use the CPI-C interface. These
programs run on OS/2 under either extended
services or networking services/2.
DEFPRN.ZIP Yes 712 10/28/1993 Sample code to query the default printer port
DIALCMD.ZIP Yes 389 1/6/1994 Dial your phone from REXX, good example
DIAL_CMD.ZIP Yes 1695 1/24/1994
DIALER.CMD; This is a fancy-schmancy phone
dialer program. You need VREXX installed for
it to work.
ERGO.ZIP Yes 1148 10/28/1993 Ergonomic prompt for os/2. written in rexx.
EXISTCMD.ZIP Yes 560 1/6/1994 REXX version of DOS if exist filename then
FF_CMD.ZIP Yes 364 1/6/1994 FindFile example of OS/2 window DIR command
FTPRXFE1.ZIP Yes 6655 11/16/1993 Visual REXX PM front end for TCP/IP FTPPM
FX80_1.ZIP Yes 10797 1/19/1994 REXX script print ASCII-Files in 2 columns
GREPCMD.ZIP Yes 1209 1/6/1994 Batch file for screen-pause & output-file
INT_E.ZIP Yes 2413 11/26/1993 Rexx script stops E.EXE from ask file type
M2VBBS14.ZIP Yes 3059 8/1/1993
Set of REXX command files that will allow the
VBBS SysOp to install M2Zmodem.exe under a
VBBS/2 system.
MAKBTDSK.ZIP Yes 3712 5/15/1992
A very handy OS/2 2.0 REXX utility that makes
a bootable diskette from the files on your
hard disk.
MAKEBOOK.ZIP Yes 5479 7/27/1993
MAKEBOOK.CMD v1.02 REXX utility designed to
create icons for the OS/2 on-line reference
manuals located on your OS/2 system. This
utility will search all available drives
(including network drives) for OS/2 .INF
files and create icons for them with the
appropriate titles.
MENUMIN3.ZIP Yes 52132 1/1/1993
OS/2: a mod of CDD.SYS to allow for a menu at
boot up instead of CMD.EXE plus security.
MIND.ZIP Yes 3014 11/17/1993 Artificial-intelligence REXX program
NOODLE1.ZIP Yes 59748 11/11/1993 Misc. BMPs, icons & cmdfiles & OPENFDR.CMD
NOODLE2.ZIP Yes 59957 11/16/1993 More misc. BMPs, icons & cmdfiles & REXX
OMG2V23D.ZIP Yes 22722 8/12/1993
Outbound Manager for Binkley-style systems;
REXX, requires VREXX. Manipulate outbound
traffic, create polls, etc. PM, not FS.
OPENFDR4.ZIP Yes 3715 10/13/1993
OPENFDR.CMD v1.4; OpenFolder is a little REXX
script that works with 4DOS/OS2
OS2CMDLN.ZIP Yes 25947 7/21/1993
OS/2 2.x application that lets user enter
OS/2 command-line statements while in a PM
application. OS2CMDLN can also be used to
launch applications. Freeware
PMSW2.ZIP Yes 53278 8/1/1993
PMSW2 is used by REXX programs to switch
focus to a program whose name is in the
desktop switch list.
PRXUTILS.ZIP Yes 75129 6/28/1992
OS/2 2.0 ReXX utility library. Replacement
for Pedagogic Software's ReXXutil.
PUSHD20.ZIP Yes 4893 6/1/1993 OS/2 a Unix clone rexx program, untried.
PUSHPOP.ZIP Yes 2343 11/26/1993 OS/2 Command Line (REXX) directory push/pop
RDEBUG21.ZIP Yes 101947 4/3/1993
RDebug is an full scale IDE for debugging
REXX Procedures. It requires Mansfield Soft-
wares's KEDIT 5.0 for OS/2.
RDX200.ZIP Yes 10375 1/19/1994 REXX command-line directory changer
RECREATE.ZIP Yes 1400 1/6/1994 Rexx file recreate standard desktop objects
REXL211A.ZIP Yes 338599 8/17/1992
RExL v2.11 [1/2] - EXE's and help. 4GL with
dBase database & full indexing, a screen and
forms designer, a folding text editor,
debugger and executable file generator. Its
own language (like BASIC) is implemented over
a rule based framework. The full screen
debugger has step, trace, watch, evaluate,
animate & breakpoints.
REXL211B.ZIP Yes 334295 8/17/1992
RExL v2.11 [2/2] EXEs/docs/exmpls 4GL with
dBase database & full indexing, a screen and
forms designer, a folding text editor,
debugger and executable file generator. Its
own language (like BASIC) is implemented over
a rule based framework. The full screen
debugger has step, trace, watch, evaluate,
animate & breakpoints.
REXXBASE.ZIP Yes 103265 1/12/1994 RexxBase v1.17; dBase Access For Rexx
REXXLB.ZIP Yes 236491 2/8/1994
REXXLIB v1.1; Collection of 150+ functions to
extend the capabilities of REXX in OS/2.
Covers 5 principal areas: compound variable
handling, interprocess communication,
mathematical functions, OS/2 system services,
and text-mode user interfacing.
REXXRULE.ZIP Yes 20656 6/18/1993
Six rulse of thumb for beginning REXX
programmers (who already know Pascal or C)
REXXTACY.ZIP Yes 165610 6/9/1992 OS/2 2.0 beta for ReXX to C translation.
REXXTR.ZIP Yes 102275 11/21/1993 Many functions for REXX and VisPro/REXX
REXXTUT2.ZIP Yes 47291 11/20/1993 REXX docs, better than OS/2 online help
REXXUTIL.ZIP Yes 27908 7/11/1993
REXXUTIL Information and Samples Attempts to
better explain some of the powerful features
provided by OS/2 V2's dynamic link library
RXAPFD.ZIP Yes 59420 11/18/1993 Rexx APPC FullDuplex Interface for CM/2 1.1
RXD.ZIP Yes 148430 2/2/1993
OS2-Version: 2 - RxD is a Presentation
Manager source level debugger for REXX
RXGWA1.ZIP Yes 14547 3/13/1993
ASCII to EBCDIC conversion in OS/2 rexx. DLL
RXLN11.ZIP Yes 188679 12/9/1993 REXXLAN/2 v1.01 LAN Server REXX extension
RXLOGIN.ZIP Yes 1708 9/8/1993
rxLogin v1.0; Simple way of securing your
OS/2 machine - the program is designed to
simply keep prompting for a password until
the correct one is entered.
RXPS17.ZIP Yes 1863 4/29/1993
PS (Process Status) v1.7; REXX ps command for
OS/2 x.x
RXU13.ZIP Yes 120333 10/26/1993 Package of REXX external functions.
RXUSMP.ZIP Yes 8161 1/12/1994 Assortment of REXX Sample Apps
RXX19.ZIP Yes 152964 2/2/1994 RxExtras-Extra functions for REXX!
SAVE_ME2.ZIP Yes 1951 7/11/1993
save OS/2 2.x critical system files.
SEARCHOS.ZIP Yes 1381 5/29/1993
REXX script. Find Text in ASCII-Files (incl.
Subdirs). OS/2
SELDEL.ZIP Yes 2921 7/28/1993 Selective delete of OS/2 Applets
SHWINI.ZIP Yes 56655 6/6/1992
Two OS/2 REXX files that: SHOWINI.CMD allows
you to - interactively edit & print
OS/2-INI-files - to backup/restore/update
OS/2-INI-files to/from INI- or TEXT-formats
BOXEDIT.CMD - Allows editing text in an ASCII
OS/2 window. If nothing else, they show the
power of the REXX language and can serve as
an example of complex REXX programming.
SPATH.ZIP Yes 1304 11/21/1993 REXX Util Searches path for COM/EXE/CMD/BAT
SRVREXX.ZIP Yes 2429 4/8/1993
OS/2 PM Netware utility that manages those
annoying 'popup' line messages. Sends too.
TIMESET.ZIP Yes 2810 8/9/1992 REXX CMD To Call US Naval Obsv. For Time
VOPNFDR3.ZIP Yes 3509 10/14/1993
VOPNFDR.CMD v1.3; VOpenFolder is a little
REXX script that works in conjunction with
the IBM EWS package, VREXX (Visual REXX)
VPRDEMO.ZIP Yes 118585 5/22/1993
Vispro/Rexx by Hockware. Self-running
demonstration. Vispro/Rexx allows you to use
the Rexx programming language to create
powerful applications with a graphical user
interface. For OS/2.
VROBJ.ZIP Yes 232041 6/19/1993
Run Time Lib for REXX programs compiled with
Watcom's VX-REXX compiler.
VXTECH01.ZIP Yes 22144 7/28/1993
EZRXFUNC; An example of how to build
REXX/VX-REXX external functions in C. This
package shows you how to write external REXX
functions in C and package them into a DLL.
These functions will then be available for
use by your REXX and VX-REXX programs.
WPS2REXX.ZIP Yes 73109 8/18/1993 Save contents of WPS to a REXX script