WHEREIS.EXE v2.01 (OS/2 32-bit) 09/12/92 by Justin B. Alcorn Parameters: {/E | /S | /D | /A } FileSpec {-f | -x} Options are: /?: Display this help screen /E: Use environment variable to search for FileSpec /S: Use to look for files /D: search all directories of Drive /A: Search all directories of all drives Above Are mutually exclusive FileSpec: May be partially or fully qualified executable file name May contain global filename characters Default is start at root directory FileSpec of .\*.c will start at current directory /F: Output CMDSTR (see /X) (may be redirected) /X: Do System Call of CMDSTR with filename If CMDSTR contains "%p" path+filename will be substituted If CMDSTR contains "%f" just filename will be substituted If CMDSTR contains "%s" filesize will be substituted If CMDSTR contains "%d" Write Date will be substituted If CMDSTR contains "%t" Write Time will be substituted CMDSTR may contain "\t" which will insert tabs EXAMPLE: /Sc:\;c:\os2 os2* will search the root directory of C: and the os2 subdirectory for os2*.* *.c -x"attrib +r %1" will set read-only attrib on all found files *.c -f"%d %s \t%1" | sort > cdir will create file with all C files in date sorted order Released into the Public Domain - Please Distribute Any and all comments are welcome! I can be reached at INTERNET ag531@cleveland.freenet.edu and FidoNet Justin Alcorn 1:157/200.63 "Darn These Computers, They're so Naughty and Complicated!"